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Asami's P.O.V.

it was the day after Aleyna had said she would go to the council and she was getting her provisions ready. She said she was going to take the long way because she didn't want the Council to notice her coming. I was going to the market to help with her packing when I was ambushed by a journalist.

"Mrs. Sato-" he started

"What do you want?" I interrupted

"Is it true that you're sleeping with another woman?"

Fear suddenly coursed through my body, but fortunately Alex walked out of the house.

"Mrs. Sato, please go inside, I'll deal with the press." she said

"Alex-" I started

"Mrs. Sato, please."

Alex's P.O.V.

I stood in front of the journalist and said "I'll answer any questions you have."

"Who are you?" he asked

"My name is Alexandria Commedia, I am Mrs. Sato's personal assistant, bodyguard, and trusted advisor."

"Is it true that Mrs. Sato is sleeping with another woman?"

"Mrs. Sato's personal life is her own. I personally do not know if she is having relations with another woman, but if she were, it would be her business."

"Why does Mrs. Sato need a bodyguard if she is friends with Avatar Korra?"

"As you well know, Korra's encounter with Zaheer was physically taxing. Avatar Korra is in the south pole, with the greatest healers in the world."

"Are you currently living with Mrs. Sato?"

"I was tasked with protecting Mrs. Sato at all costs, if that means living in the same house, I will do that."

"Thank you for your answers ma'am."

"If you take any of them out of context, I will personally hunt you down and tear out your throat."

"y...yes ma'am"

I went back inside and was greeted by Asami.

"That was too close, Alex" She said

"It's fine, Asami, I took care of it." I replied

"I don't want them to blow this out of proportion."

"It'll be fine. They can take your pawns, they can take your knights and your rooks and your bishops, but as long as your queen still stand, you will not lose. I will stand with you atop the mountain of dead bodies, built by your dead servants and for you, I will fight."

Asami rested her head on my shoulder, pulled me closer and whispered "I love you, Alex."

I wrapped my arms around her slender frame and said "I love you too, Asami."

Aleyna's P.O.V.

I was on another of my midnight forays through the house when I heard Alex moaning. I was ready to kick down the door when I heard actual words.

"Fuck! Asami!" She gasped

I just shook my head and kept walking. Allen was gone, he just disappeared one night, I didn't question it. Korra was still missing, I wanted nothing more than to be able to welcome her back, but the chances were slim. Suddenly a portal opened in front of me and a woman came flying out. I caught her just in time and when I realized who it was I leaned down and kissed her.

Creator: The Last ShadebenderWhere stories live. Discover now