Nothing Else matters

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Asami's P.O.V.

As I was lying next to Korra, trying to help her get to sleep, I realized, everything I had just said had been true, I wasn't just trying to keep her happy, I would give my life for this woman, I would do anything to keep her with me.

"Asami? Are you still awake?" Korra asked

"Yeah, what's up?" I asked

"Never mind, it's nothing."

"Korra. What's wrong?"

"I was just thinking, but can you take me to see Katara?"

"Right now?"


"Korra, it's three in the morning, there's no way she's awake."

"Then we'll wake her up, I... I want to know what Aang would do."

"Korra, you can't base evrything about yourself on the other Avatars, you're a different person, you're not Aang, you're not Roku, you're not Kyoshi. You're Korra, you need to make your own path."

"How am I supposed to make any path, if I can't even walk without falling to the ground in pain?!"

"Korra, getting angry won't help. I'll take you to see Katara tomorrow, but only because you need to continue your P.T."

"The therapy just makes me angrier, I can't do anything! It's pissing me off."

"You're angry. You're angry at yourself, because you got hurt."

"I'm the Avatar! I should be able to protect myself! I can't feel my fucking legs Asami, I can hardly dress myself, I can't do anything on my own! All I can do is sit here and wallow in my own self pity! I want to be out in the world, I want to be making things better, but I fucking can't. If I wasn't afraid of what you'd do I'd have killed myself three days ago!"

I could see it, all the anger and desperation in her eyes, she really believed what she had just said, and that just made it all the worse. I wrapped my hand around her neck and slammed her against the wall. "You want to die?! Then go ahead, but make sure I don't have to deal with it." I shouted, walking off. I remember slamming the front door as I walked out into the cold night, but the rest is just blind rage. When I woke up the next morning, there was a glass bottle in my hand, and my head was splitting. As soon as I was... relatively functional, I noticed that I was in a bed, a very soft bed.

"What the hell happened last night?" I muttered, I noticed that I wasn't wearing any pants and started looking for them.

"Morning sleepyhead." someone said from the doorway

Suddenly fuzzy memories came flooding back into my head, I remembered that voice. After leaving Korra's place I apparently went to a bar, this woman was sitting next to me at the counter, if I remember correctly she had stopped me from getting into a fight, to be fair the guy I tried to pick it with needed to get what was coming to him.

"I'm sorry, what time is it, what's your name, and how the fuck am I still alive?" I asked, three questions in one seemed more efficient

She laughed and started answering. "The time is about three thirty in the afternoon, my name is April, and I may have brought you home so you didn't freeze to death."

"Did we...?"

"No, not that I didn't try, you were hammered, but you said something about having a girlfriend, so I didn't push."

"Oh, Shit! Korra. I have to get back to her, she needs my help. Have you seen my pants?"

"Here." she said, picking them up and throwing them to me

"Thanks, by the way. For everything and for not pushing," I said, leaving

"Not a problem, but if things don't work out with your girlfriend, you know where to find me." She winked and I blushed for the first time since being in the South Pole.

I ran all the way to Korra's place, Senna and Tonraq weren't home, but I had a feeling that Korra was. I rushed up the stairs, but stopped before I got to her door. I needed to collect myself, to think what I was going to say.

"Korra, We need to talk." I said, knocking on her door

"Fuck off, Asami." She replied

"Look, I know you're angry, and I know you probably hate me right now, but I wanted to apologize, what I said last night was out of line, but the things you said, they hit way too close to home for me."

"What do you mean?"

"After my mom died, I stopped. Literally I just stopped functioning, I had been there, I should have been able to do something, but I couldn't and I was angry because of it, so I... I started thinking like you did, I started... I wanted to die, because I thought I was useless, pathetic, that I couldn't do anything, and while the initial shock started to fade away, for a long time I still thought like that, but then a particular Avatar accidentally found her way into my life, and she taught me that none of that was true, she loved me, I wasn't useless, my purpose in life was to love you Korra, and now that you think like that, I have to do what you did, I have to teach you that you're not useless, that you're not pathetic, that your purpose in life right now, is to rest, and recuperate and then do everything that you can, to save this world and everyone in it."

I heard a click come from the other side of the door, and it swung open. Korra was sitting there in her wheelchair, crying. I took one look at her and said "I love you, Korra. I would give my life to you, I would do anything to keep you with me, and I will not allow you to be alone while you deal with this."

I watched as instead of saying anything, Korra just wrapped her arms around my waist. In the end I carried her to the bed and we slept, nothing else in the world mattered at that point, Korra and I were together, we had both told each other the truth, and we were both keeping each other together.

Creator: The Last ShadebenderWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt