Aleyna Alone

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Aleyna's P.O.V. (obviously)

When I woke up I didn't know where I was, I couldn't tell what time it was, I didn't even know what the hell happened. The last thing I remember was being approached by a bald man, with a scar across his left eyebrow. I tried to rub my face, but I realized that my hands were chained to a wall, to be fair, this could be worse, there could be giant snakes, eating me from the feet up, or there could be tiny snakes, eating me from the inside out, or there could be a pit of millipedes underneath me. Those things are fucking creepy, like, seriously. I'm pretty sure one of my brothers had Created them just to piss me off.

I tried to take in my surroundings, but it was too damn dark to see anything, that meant that I was either in a cave, or it was towards midnight, I stayed there for what felt like several hours before I saw a light coming towards me.

"Hey!" I shouted, when I heard my voice, I was surprised. It had been a long time since it was that hoarse

"Hello, Creator" the person holding the light said

"I recognize that voice. Zaheer?!"

"It's good to see you again, Aleyna, though I didn't realize you would give up so easily."

"I'm hoping I had a plan. Where are we?"

"In a small cave, not far from the Northern Air temple."

"How long have I been out?"

"Several weeks."

"I imagine, you plan to get Korra to turn herself over, to save either me, or the Airbenders."

"How do you know that?"

"It's what Aang would have done"

"Ah, I see. You have a bright head on those incredibly old shoulders."

"You're right there. So, Zaheer, what are you going to do if this doesn't work?"

"Oh, it will work, trust me."

"Dammit, Well, that only leaves one option."

"It won't work."


"No go ahead, try, I want to see what you look like confused."

"Alright. Sarasnamuraconccertintorcherre!" I shouted, expecting an actual release, but nothing happened "What did you do?!" I shouted at him

"You'll figure it out." he replied

It took me a little while, but Zaheer was more than patient. Suddenly fear crossed my face and I said "You didn't, please tell me you didn't!" I started crying when I realized what had happened "You disconnected me?! How?! You're only Human!"

"Honestly, it was rather easy. I slit your throat, before you finished speaking your Name."

"Damn you. Damn you to the deepest depths of Hell!" I shouted as he walked away, when he was gone, I laughed to myself. What he didn't realize is that I had intentionally mispronounced my Name, he couldn't tell that I was immediately reconnected when I woke up, the fool. I melted the chains around my arms and snuck down the cavern, when I got to the entrance, or exit in my case. I could hardly see, after several week in the darkness of my mind, the natural light was blinding. after my eyes adjusted, I could see the air temple in the distance. I knew I had to get there as soon as possible, I wasn't sure if I could climb the mountain in my condition, but I could damn well try.

I had made it half way up in two hours, in case you didn't know, Climbing sheer cliffs is exhausting, it took me another three hours to make it to the top, the question from there was how to get to the Air temple, it was at least two miles away from me, there was no way for me to walk there, I'd have to figure out a way to fly there. if I'd had some wood and a sharp knife, I could make a glider in no time, but no plants naturally grew up here, not anymore at least, that only left one option, firebending thrusters, which were dangerous at best, and deadly at worst, but it was my only option.

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