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Alex's P.O.V.

It had been two weeks since I had seen anyone, My body was in the worst shape it had been in a long time. The last time I had been like this... No. I can't think about that. I didn't have time to worry about myself, I had to get out, I had to find Asami. Suddenly a spirit Projected itself into the cave.

"Asami?" I asked, breathless

"Alex! Thank the spirits I found you." She said

"How... how did you?"

"I don't know, but I know where you are, we're coming to get you."

"I'm glad...I'm glad you're safe."

"funnily enough, your uncle found me. I'm gonna make sure you're safe I promise."

After Asami's spirit disappeared, I started crying... Asami was coming to save me... what a turn of events.

Asami's P.O.V.

I tore myself from the Spirit projection and went immediately to Aleyna.

"I know where Alex is, we have to go help her." I said

"Asami, you're in no condition to travel, She's my daughter I'll take care of her."

"She's the love of my life! I have to be there. I promised I'd be there."

"Alright. I'm not one to argue with Love."

The cave was only three miles from Republic city, as bad as I felt I had to make it to Alex. I had seen her before, but When I saw her I was appalled. She was still chained to the wall, kneeling and naked, her long brown hair fell around her shoulders and just like in my Nightmare, the word "traitor" carved into her stomach, blood pooled around her knees and she almost looked defeated. Her face was streaked with tears and dirt, still I fell to my knees in front of her. I pressed my forehead against hers and said "I missed you. I love you."

Alex started to say something, but I pressed my lips to hers, interrupting her. As soon as We got the chains off of her, I made her put on my leather jacket and picked her up.

"We need to leave." I said

"You're right there" Aleyna replied

We managed to get home with Alex, but she was in a lot of pain, so Aleyna put her to sleep and started healing her as fast as possible.

Aleyna's P.O.V.

My daughter was kidnapped, tortured and raped, presumably by one of the men that I trusted the Most. If I ever saw Allistair Verlaine again I would make sure that he couldn't see me. I would have to bring up the Council's corruption at the next Meeting of Creators. I laid my hand on Alex's head and tried my best to heal her wounds, but I let her sleep... if anything, she deserved it. I remember checking on her again later that night and seeing Asami lying beside her in the bed. lately Asami hadn't been able to sleep unless she was next to Alex. I worried about the both of them. Asami had become like a second daughter to me, even before she fell in love with Alex.

Alex's P.O.V.

I woke up with Asami next to me, she was smiling and I was happy. Suddenly I felt a tinge in my stomach, apparently my mom hadn't healed me as well as I would have liked, because there were bandages wrapped around my stomach, that was one of the few days that I decided to stay in bed, when Asami woke up, I snuggled closer and wrapped my arms around her.

"Morning, Alex." She said. I just grunted and held her tighter.

"Alex, I have to go to work." She said

"No. I'm still hurt, you have to stay here." I replied

She stoked my hair and, falling prey to my cuteness, she said she'd stay, she only left the bed to get food for us. I wish I had, had the stomach to eat, but my stomach had shrunken while I was in the cave. Suddenly my thoughts flashed back to the last time I had felt this horrible

It was just after Zoey had died. My mom had been gone the entire week, she was angry and looking for revenge, but without her there, I refused to leave my room. Both Sarah and grandpa Charles had tried to convince me to leave, but I couldn't face the house without Zoey or my mom. I closed my eyes and for the first and last time in my life... I prayed. My mom had always said that it wasn't worth the time and effort, but I was taking any help I could get.

"Alex? Are you okay?" Asami asked, back in the real world

"Yeah. I'm fine." I replied, trying to get even closer to her

"What's wrong baby? You're upset."

"I'm just remembering something bad."

"You want to talk?"

I shook my head and she kissed my hair, we heard someone knocking on the door and Asami told them to come in. My mom walked into the room and Asami excused herself, I tried to protest, but she was gone before I could.

"Hey, mom." I said

"Hey, kiddo. How are you doing?" She replied

"I'm fine, I felt a little pain in my stomach earlier, but it's fine now."

"Okay, but about your upstairs?"

"My head's fine too."

"Why you lying to me, kiddo?"

"'Cause I don't wanna talk."

"Alex, I'm here to help you. What's wrong?"

"Do you remember, when Zoey... died and you were gone?"

"Yeah, Charles and Sarah said you wouldn't leave your room."

"Did they tell you that I didn't eat for that entire week? Did they tell you that every night, I would wake up screaming, calling for you?"

"You sound angry."

"I was, I was mad that you weren't there, I was mad that Zoey had... just left, I was mad that I couldn't do anything about it and I was mad at myself for feeling like that."

"And being taken, reminded you of that."


"...Alex, now that you're back with me, now that we're together and I have Sarah, and you have Asami... None of us are going anywhere, and if we do, we'll be coming back, that I can promise you."

"Mom... Allistair said that you had broken a promise that you had made a long time ago. What did he mean?"

"Allistair Verlaine is delusional. The 'promise' he's talking about was a joke, I didn't even say the words.."

"Oh, okay."

I pulled my mom into a hug and said "Thank you. I love you, mom."

"Love you too, kiddo."

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