An interlude (AKA: Subtle Nods)

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Aleyna's P.O.V.

I woke up in my bed, alone. Weird, but Sarah can handle herself. I looked over at the nightstand and saw a note, written in Sarah's sloppy cursive.

Hey, babe. I have to go back to the First dimension, a friend of yours told me a rumor about someplace called "The Night School", I don't know when I'll be back, so call me when you wake up.

love you, Sarah.

Of course the first thing I did, was call Sarah.

"Hey, babe. I didn't expect your call this early." Sarah said

"I woke up alone, and got worried. So which one of my 'friends' told you this rumor?" I asked

"Dresden, which is weird, because he hasn't called you in... seven years."

"I don't know. Well, I think I already know what this 'Night School' is, I've been hearing about it for awhile now, but you're capable and Dresden's there, so you'll figure it out."

"Come on, you won't even give us a little hint?"

"Where's the fun in that?"

"Ugh, I really don't like you sometimes."

"I know, but you still love me."

"Yeah, I do. Bye, Aleyna. I love you"

"Love you too, bye."

I got changed and went downstairs, it was about then that I realized that things were weird. there was a darkness in the corner of the Kitchen that shouldn't have been there.

"Do you really think I'm that stupid, or do you think I'm blind?" I asked, directing my attention towards the darkness.

"Neither, just testing you. You know the rules, she can't know about our Night School." the shadow said

"I know, and she won't. Even with the wizard by her side, she will never figure out what is actually going on."

"That had better be true. If she does, I will personally hunt you down, and tear out your heart."

"Your threats don't scare me, High counselor, I have my own reasons for keeping the night school a secret."

"Ah, that's right. You're protecting the pretty little human that Hazel's fallen in love with."

"My point exactly, she cannot be harmed, so the School stays a  secret."

"Make it so, I'd hate to have to come back here."

"As would I High Counselor. Goodbye."

The shadow disappeared and I was left alone, good thing his threats were empty, he couldn't hurt me and he knew it. The Cosmic High Council was instated to keep the truth out of the wrong hands, they were the decision makers, the truth-keepers, and the prophecy makers. every television show you enjoy, every movie you've ever watched, every book you've ever read, and even the pictures you see have passed by the Council's watchful eye. Most of them have been permitted, but some, well some were destroyed in a fiery pit, but the system's not perfect, remember E.T. for the Atari Jaguar? Well, that was never meant to exist, but you humans are a persistent bunch, and you accidentally tricked the Council into letting you create that game.

Author's note: "An interlude (AKA: Subtle Nods)" was meant to be an advertisement for two other literary works: "The Night School", and "The Dresden Files". I own the rights to neither of these works and only meant to help. Credit for "The Night School" goes to: Zephyrheart, on Wattpad. The Credits for "The Dresden Files" goes to: Jim Butcher, published author at ROC books, a subsidiary of Penguin Books. Sorry again, but I only mean to help Advertise


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