The End

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Asami's P.O.V.

Standing there, Chained and Helpless, the only thing I could see were those eyes, those dark pitiful eyes. Half closed with weariness. I could hear her whimpers of pain and could only wish that it was me there, taking the blows myself.

"Alexandria May Commedia, we , the members of the High Council hereby sentence you to death." Verlaine shouted

"Verlaine! You'll regret this!" I shouted at the newly reborn Dictator

"That, I seriously doubt." He replied, raising his sword above his head

"Asami...Let me go." Alex whispered

"No, Alex, I won't-" I started, but Verlaine brought down his sword, the silver blade, flashing against the Lantern's light. Suddenly my vision was obscured by a blue fabric and I felt my body flying away from the scene of Nightmares. I heard a crashing sound and I felt dust settle on my face. That's when the screaming started. I could hear Aleyna crying and I felt what I thought was a hand take mine.

"What's going on? Tell me What the Fuck Is going on!" I shouted

"Asami, calm down." Korra said next to me

"Korra? Just tell me what's going on, please!"

"Aleyna, put her to sleep, please."

Aleyna's P.O.V

I was standing above my daughter's dead body, staring at the man who had caused us so much pain, chained to a wall, with his own restraints, when Korra asked me to put Asami to sleep. I did so with a quick snap and went back to Verlaine.

"You were supposed to be a neutral party. You were supposed to be content with your position, but instead you became a dictator, Obsessed with Power!" I shouted

"You made a promise. You broke that Promise. You have to pay the consequences." Verlaine said

"You can try and justify this however you want, but you went against your core Instructions and became the perfect dictator. You have to face Your consequences."

I remember the days when I could trust the High Council they used to be our greatest tool, but now, they've been destroyed by their own leader. Alistair Verlaine sacrificed his friends, people he should have considered as family, just for a little more power.

"You disgust me Verlaine. We could have been friends, but you betrayed me, not just me, the entire universe. Alistair Verlaine, I could snap my fingers and disintegrate you right now, but I won't, because that would lower me to your level, no I'm going to leave you at the mercy of the remaining four Creators. They can choose what to do with you." I said

"They will destroy me." Alistair replied

"Then it's on their hands."

The very short cosmic trial of Alistair Verlaine.

Alistair Verlaine, for crimes against the universe and the murder of your other five council members, the five Creators, with the angel Hannah acting as the Fourth's proxy, condemn you to death. This sentence will be carried out immediately by the angel Castiel, acting as our executioner." Allen said. As the eldest Creator it was his responsibility to act as Judge, with the other Creators being the jury.

"Goodbye Verlaine." I said as Castiel walked into the large circular room. I had been forced off of the jury, but that didn't mean I couldn't watch his destruction. Then with the flash of a silver blade, Verlaine was dead and my tears were allowed to run.


Creator: The Last ShadebenderTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon