Is she dead?

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Aleyna's P.O.V.

I lit the cigarette I was holding, With the flame in my hand, just before Allen came walking back in.

"I got the supplies you asked for, Aleyna. When did you start smoking again?" He asked, looking concerned

"You know when. It was after She died." I said

"Oh, right. You know I want you to be happy, right? You're my sister, I couldn't stand it if you did anything stupid."

"You know I wouldn't even think about That. Not after what she did, not after..." My voice trailed off as I started crying, but I didn't want my brother to see this particular weakness, so I made my way outside.

"Aleyna, I know you're out there. Please talk to me little sister. I'm trying to help."

"I don't want your help, I need to take care of myself."

"Aleyna, you can't deal with everything on your own."

"I can damn well try!"

"Stop trying to die! Everything you've done so far, you're trying to kill yourself!"

"No. I'm. Not! Why would I want to die?! Things are finally starting to look up, I've found the love of my life, I'm teaching The Avatar, for the first time in seventy years. I want to be here... Finally I've accepted my lot in life, I want to stay."

"Then stop pushing. You cannot do this on your own, everyone needs help from time to time, even me. Aleyna, you're my little sister, you're also my best friend, the only person that I can actually call my friend."

"Allen... Thank you. For everything."

"That's what family's for right? To help each other out when they need it."

"Yeah, That's what family's for."

Korra's P.O.V.

We had been in Ba Sing Se for two days and I had already made an enemy in the Queen. I hated the way she acted, she was mean, she was Hateful, and she was a tyrant. My only saving grace was Asami, she kept me sane. I felt really bad when she said that helping me let off steam was starting to hurt, Hurting Asami was the last thing I ever wanted to do, so when she said that I got worried. Unfortunately she noticed.

"Hey, Korra, I'm sorry I just... Can we talk?" Asami said

"Yeah, I'm sorry, about hurting you." she replied

"It's fine. Look Korra, you know I love you, right?"


"No, Answer my question."

"Of course I know that. We've been together for almost a week now."

"How long, doesn't matter Korra. I know you don't want to hurt me, and I know that you'd do anything to protect me, but you can't keep thinking like that, you can't keep thinking that I'm going to leave you at any second. No matter what, I'm by your side."

"Thank you, Asami. I love you."

"I love you too, Korra."

Suddenly Mako and Bolin, came running up to us. Bolin started sputtering nonsense and Asami asked Mako to translate.

Aleyna's P.O.V.

Allen and I were hiding, just outside of the Outer Wall of Ba Sing Se. We were waiting for nightfall, so we could sneak over the wall. Funnily enough Earthbending was the first Element for the both of us to master. It seemed like the easiest one to think about, considering we were both stubborn assholes.

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