A new, human problem

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Alex's P.O.V.

The weeks after Korra's return went by smoothly. Asami and I were better than ever, I was recuperating faster than expected, and Korra and I were friendly, well we weren't  trying to tear out each other's throats. One day my mom came up to Asami, Korra, and I when we "pleasure shopping"  she had a worried look on her face and I asked her what was wrong.

"We've just received news from the Earth kingdom, or as it's apparently now being called: the Earth empire." She replied

"What's going on, Aleyna?" Korra asked

"Kuvira... our interim leader of the Earth kingdom... has refused to step down. She intends to rule Her 'Earth Empire' with an iron fist, she has come out and said that anyone who crosses the border to the Earth empire without permission, will be crushed."

"She's going to be a dictator."

"That seems to be the plan."

"We need to do something!"

"I can't, cosmic laws and such."

"I'm under the same obligations. it's up to you, Korra." I said

Korra looked at all of us sadly... and nodded. "I'm headed to the Earth kingdom, to try and talk some sense into Kuvira." she said

"Korra, there's only one place that she can be headed. She's going to Zao Fu." I said, instilling as much seriousness into my voice as I could.

"You're right. I'll see what I can do and then I'll be back."

"You'd better. We can't wait for the next Avatar to grow up." My mom said

"Your daughter made it very obvious how much the world needs me."

I smirked and Korra winked back at me while she was walking away.

"What was that about?" my mom asked when she saw me smirking.

"Never tell the Avatar that she abandoned the world she's worked so hard to protect, and if you ever steal her girlfriend from her, expect at least one threat." I replied


"Exactly. Bye mom."

Asami and I walked off, leaving the poor woman confused. The next thing I remember was sitting outside a store in the little Ba Sing Se fashion mall, hyperventilating. I was in Asami's lap and she was stroking my hair.

"What happened?" I asked weakly

"I don't know, You just collapsed and I pulled you into my lap." she explained

"Why can't I remember?"

"I don't know. Let's go home, we can ask your mom."

The trip home was uneventful, When we got home My mom wasn't there, so I just went to sleep.

I was back in the cave, Carole standing above me.

"We have a new guest for you to play with. I think you'll know her." She said

She walked outside the cave for a moment and when she came back she had Asami in chains

"No! That's not possible! Asami!" I shouted

"Alex!" she replied

"Have fun, rotting together." Carole said

I shot straight up in bed, crying, just as Asami walked through the door.

"Alex, baby what's wrong?" she asked, rushing over

I shook my head and said "Nightmare, nothing to worry about."

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