Are you drunk?

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3rd person pov

"You really think she likes me?" Max smiled as Marcus came over flopping on the bean bags next to Gracie

"Are you drunk?" Gracie asked looking at him, "Oh, my God, he's wasted"

"Dude" Ginny shook her head, "What is that?" Max asked as Marcus pulled out a flask



"Give me the flask" the three girls said at the same time as Gracie grabbed it putting it in her bag

"Are you insane?"

"Marcus, babe, you cant be drunk at school" Gracie sighed as Marcus turned hugging Gracie

"What if you get caught? You'll get in a lot of trouble" Ginny added

"Ginny? " Georgia smiled walking through the hallway, "Shit" Ginny stood up helping Max get Marcus off of Gracie as the four of them stood

"What are you doing here?" Ginny asked walking over to their mom as Marcus let go of Gracie, "Okay. Where do you think we are, Euphoria? Lets go" Max said as her and Gracie dragged Marcus away

"Dont you need to go with them?" Max asked looking at Gracie who shook her head, "Nah. Mom's driving her somewhere"

"I should of knew. Ginny warned me already" Gracie sighed sitting back in the couch, Georgia tricked her and now they were at Gracie's therapy place

"So what do you do sit here and tell her how i ruined your life?"


"Ok, calm down. Just wanna see what this is all about. We dont do this in the South. We shoot things and eat butter" she said looking around as the door opened to reveal Anna

"Hi" she smiled shutting the door behind her, "Dr. Anna. This is..."

"Uh, Georgia, right?" Anna smiled shaking her hand, "I didnt ruin her life"

"Mom, please"

"Uh, are you planning to wait outside?" Anna asked looking at Georgia, "id like to stay" she smiled

"Mom, what are you doing?" Gracie sighed, she should of knew it was a trap. Ginny told her the same thing happened with her and Dr. Lilly

"Im concerned about you. I found out that you're self-harming and going to therapy, and this very qualified woman with fancy degrees is uh, protecting you and helping you, and i just wanna see what it's all about"

"Im sorry, but it doesnt really work like that. The session is Gracie's time" Anna smiled, Georgia looked at Gracie who rolled her eyes, "She can stay"

"Are you sure?"

"As sure as i can be"

"Okay" Anna smiled as they sat down, "Georgia, how did finding out about Gracies self-harm make you feel?"

"This is just like The Sopranos" Georgia chuckled

"If you're gonna stay, just please do it, ok?"

"Okay. Sorry. Mh-hmm"

"is this hard for you, the idea of therapy?" Anna asked looking at her, "Yes, stay out of my head, please"


"Sorry. Im sorry. Sorry. Yes, this is hard. How does it feel? Horrible. Terrifying. Id do anything to protect her, so yo knwo that she's feeling enough pain to, to do that to herself in secret for so long, I-"

"It sounds like it bothered you that Gracie has kept this from you"

"Course it bothers me" Georgia scoffed, "Gracie and I aren't normal mother-daughter. We're close. We're friends, best friends"

"But you're not friends. You're mother and daughter. Do you feel that you respect Gracie's boundaries?" Anna asked as Gracie was playing with the rubber band she gave her

"Is that what she says? I dont respect her boundaries?" Georgia smiled

"Mom... you really dont respect my boundaries" Gracie said as Georgia's smile dropped

"I dont like this"

"I think that this might be very productive. For both of you" Anna nodded as Georgia shook her head

"Okay, i know im not perfect, all right? I mean... you think i knew how to be a mom? I was 14. Mary-Kate and Ashely never talked about this. And i just had to continuously bounce back from all this crap again and again, smile and be happy, and shield you from all of it. I never had a childhood. At least she had a childhood"

"I know that it was hard, and you did a lot for me, but until now, i've never live in one town long enough to have friends. I've always been the new girl, always alone. And that's all i knew, and it was hard. An-and i have the right to be upset about that. We all have our own experiences, mom, and i have mine" Gracie spoke before looking at Anna

"Please get in here. please" Max groaned pushing Marcus into his room and shutting the door behind them, "Okay" she nodded as he flooded onto his bed before grabbing his guitar

"Mom's downstairs. No"


"We're not doing the guitar" she said grubbing it away from him, "Party pooper" he said as she scoffed

"Shoes" she said going over to him, "Those are my shoes" he mumbled as she took his shoes off, tossing them into the corner

"Yup they sure are"

"Where did my flask go?" Marcus groaned looking around, "Dude, why would you come to school drunk? Like, what a truly weird thing to do"

"Im not drunk" he said taking his jacket off, "Are you kidding me right now? You are, like, Housewives of New York drunk"

"Hey, you two wanna go out for Chinese tonight?" Ellen yelled from downstairs, "Oh, scallion pancakes, mom.

"Uh, you know what? We're actually-"

"Scallion pancakes" Marcus said cutting Max off as she put her hand over his mouth, "Um. You know. We're studying a lot, so if we could do delivery, that'd be cool" Max chuckled

"Roger that. School first"

"Scallion pancakes" Marcus whispered as Max sighed, "Can we get scallion pancakes?"

"You got it!"



"Okay. Now we go to sleep" Max smiled pushing Marcus to lay down, "Good night" she smiled as he groaned

"Why arent you at rehearsal with Silver? She likes you" Marcus chuckled, "Why does everyone keep saying that?" Max asked grabbing a bucket and putting it by Marcus

"Hey, do you think Gracie likes me?"

"Well, seeing as you always talk about her, and you two are overly obsessed with each other. Frankly, i dont see the appeal. Between you and Pete Davidson, straight woman really confuse me. Of course she likes you, you dummy"

"I dont think she should" he whispered as Max frowned a little, "I'm gonna go get you some water. Do not leave this room. Stay here, in this bed. I mean it"

Consume • Marcus Bakerحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن