Boo, Bitch

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Gracie pov

I smiled closing my locker, gasping when i saw Max looking at me all weird with fake blood dripping out of her mouth.

"you bitch" I laughed, as she smiled at me wiping her mouth with a napkin.

"Oh man. Halloween is my favorite holiday besides my birthday"

"I feel the same" i smiled at her.

"Really? Ginny told me unless i was Jesus, my birthday doesn't count as a holiday"

"we dont listen to Ginny, babes" I said bopping her nose.

"What are you being for Halloween?" she asked placing her arm around me.

"Cant say" i smiled as we walked over to our hangout area.

Abby pulled me on the chair with her as the other's were sitting on the ground.

"Ginny, i have been singing your song all day" Norah smiled.

"I know. It's stuck in my head. And its getting super annoying. no offense, Ginny" Pam? Sam? what's her name said.

"People are talking about you" Norah said as i laid my head on Abby's lap, my legs hanging over the edge of the couch.

"wait. Really?" she asked.

"Oo! buzz. tell them she's unhinged. Lets give her a hot mess reputation like Bella Thorne" Max said as i shook my head.

"Dont ever compare Bella to Ginny" I said as Abby nodded in agreement.

"What are they saying?" Ginny asked.

"Oh, you know. Just that its super cool that Hunter wrote a song about you, and that they think you're really pretty." Norah smiled.

"They think I'm pretty" Ginny asked smiling.

"Can we talk about Halloween" Abby asked as i nodded sitting up.

"yes please" I practically begged.

"Kay, Brodie is throwing a Boos and Booze party" Abby said.

"God, i wish i could spend Halloween with Sophie" Max groaned.

"why cant you?" Ginny asked.

"Shes a senior" Max said rolling her eyes.

"Do you know what you're doing for your costumes" Pam, Sam, Something asked.

"No, and its giving me anxiety" Max said as i looked at Abby, as i grabbed her hand smiling at her as she smiled back.

"Ok, maybe we could all do something as a group"

"Sorry, Pam, Sam, whatever your name is. But i already got a costume" I shrugged.

"Samantha. and maybe like the Avengers"

"Oo, avengers could be cool" Norah said tapping Abby's leg.

"ScarJo is hot" Abby nodded.

"Ginny, what do you think?" Max asked as we all looked at her.

"Avengers are basic"

"Oh yeah, totally" Norah said as i mentally rolled my eyes, i like her but she's just a follower.

"Well, we dont have to do that"

"Im gonna go class. Love you. Mean it" Ginny smiled, as if she was now the leader of 'MANGG'

"Hate you. Kidding" Norah and Max said.

"Hate you. Mean it" Me and Abby laughed.

"what do you guys mean by that" Sam asked as me and Abby looked at each other before getting up and leaving.

"So, what are you being for Halloween" Abby asked as we were walking through the hallways as  shurgged.

"Well, i know but you'll have to wait and see" I said smiling at her, putting my arm around her shoulder, as she did the same.

"What's he doing" Abby asked nodding to Marucs, talking to Ginny and Max.

"Dont know, dont care" I shrugged going to my locker when he walked over to us.

"hey" he said as Abby nodded at him.

"whatchu doing talking to Ginny" Abby asked as i laughed grabbing my books before closing my locker.

"Nah, i was tryna ask Max about Halloween but she told me to go away cause the Senior were coming" he explain putting his arm around my waist as Abby nodded in approval.

"I can barley" Press began to sing as him and Joran walked into the hallways, with Hunter behind them.

"I can barely" Jordan said as we walked over to Max and Ginny watching them.

"I can barely"

"I can barely"

"i can barely breath when you are near" Press and Jordan sang coming closer.

They got onto the floor, as if they were playing the drums "And i really, really, really..." they sang as Press used Jordan's leg as a guitar.

"you guys are so embarrassing" She said as they walked past as Abby, Marcus and I left.

"that was" I began but Marcus cut me off.

"Embarrassingly embarrassing" he finished as me and Abby nodded.

"See you at your house?" Abby asked as i nodded, she smiled before going to her class.

"what are you guys doing after school?" Marcus asked kissing the top of my head.

"We're gonna hang at my house for a little, but then we're going to my work to hang out with MANG, cause they want to and then to do a whole group costume" I said as he nodded.

"you're gonna leave me alone for MANG. I understand A but not MNG" he said as i laughed.

"We have to play nice" i said, kissing him as he placed his hands on my waist.

"And ill see you later" he said once we broke the kiss.

"See you" i said kissing him once more, before going to my class.

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