Happy Sweet Sixteen, bitch.

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3rd person pov
Gracie voice over
Ginny voice over
Georgia voice over

Georgia was in the kitchen going all out on making a cake for Ginny's birthday, as Gracie and Ginny were leaning against the hallway watching her

"Our mom always goes big for birthdays"

"Life wont throw you parties. You gotta make your own"

"Even when we were dead broke, she'd find a way to make it festive. For Ginnys 12th birthday she dropped a stink bomb so we could have a movie theater to ourselves and sing along to Moana as loudly as we wanted"

"Thats what Georgia does. She puts a big, glittering bow on everything and pretends like nothings wrong"

"Your hair" Georgia said looking at her second older daughter, as they came over and sat at the island

"Its straight"

"I wanted a change" she said moving it a little "new older me" she added

"But i love your natural hair"

"aww. then you wear it" Ginny smiled before dropping it, as Georgia lit the candle and sang happy birthday to her

"Its 7am i dont really want cake" Ginny said but Georgia ignored her and kept singing

"Must you sing the whole song?" Ginny sighed

"Yeah" Georgia nodded and kept singing

Ginny sighed before blowing out the candle and looking Georgia who let out a breath and grabbed something off of the counter

"This came from Zion's parents"

"You opened it" Ginny said grabbing it from her

"They send 500"

"Happy birthday, Ginny!" Austin smiled running into the kitchen with a home made birthday card

"Aww! Thanks, Austin!" she smiled before hugging him

"Cake!" he yelled looking at it

"Cake" Gracie mimicked

"Now go brush your teeth" Georgia smiled looking at him

"An adult. A little woman. My little woman" Georgia smiled leaning on the counter as Gracie grabbed a fork and began to eat the cake

"Louisa May Alcott's all atingle"

"You really are growing up"

"Does that mean youll start treating me like a grown up? Like how you treat Gracie? Trust me with important factors of your life, like, i dont know, off the cuff, the fact that you have a sister and your real name is Mary"

"Happy sweet sixteen, bitch"

"Happy sweet sixteen, jerk" Gracie and Georgia said at the same time before shoving the cake in Ginny's face

Gracie walked into her room only to freeze, she was confused, there were balloons all over her room, a teddy bear with chocolates, a hoodie, a jewelry box and a note

She dropped her bag on the floor before walking over and grabbing the note

"Turn around" it said, she furrowed her eyebrows and turned around only to find a nervous looking Marcus holding a poster board that said "Will you be my official girlfriend"

She smiled looking at him, as he smiled at her

"Of course" she smiled as he let out a breath and hugged her tightly

"You didn't have to do all this, Marucs. i was okay with you just asking me how you did the other night, it was just as special as it is right now" she said breaking the hug

"I know, but you deserve this, you deserve more than this" he said as she smiled and kissed him

"Come on, lets watch a movie" she said grabbing his hand and leading him to her bed

The now couple had watched a few movies, it was not 7:30 when Gracies phone went off, she leaned over as Marcus groaned as she stopped playing with his hair

"Sorry" she smiled kissing him before looking at her phone, as he put her other hand back on his head

HUGE HUGE HUGE NEWS. Ellen and Clint are in Maine Saturday night.
Party at my place LETS GET WEIRD!

She smiled putting her phone back down before putting her attention back on the movie

Gracie was wearing a white mini dress with a slit on the side, along with a crème colored cardigan and high top convers, Marcus was holding her back pack with one hand, and her hand with the other. He had insisted on holding her bag, they argued about it for 10 minutes until Max dragged Gracie away

"I dont want the bro squad infiltrating our house, puking in our bathroom, killing my fish" Marcus said looking at his sister

"Hey, Brodie didnt kill your fish. He ate it" Max shrugged as the two sisters looked at her

"You think it survived that trip?"

"Come on! Its for Ginny for her birthday, and Gracie will be there, she can give you attention for a second and then leave you.  Just do it for Ginny" Max begged grabbing onto Ginny's arm

"Yeah, do it for Ginny" Ginny pouted putting her arm on Marcus

"Fine, only to see Gracie" he said walking away as Gracie followed

"Ill be sure to come see you" She smiled kissing him before leaving, she was told to meet at the tree for Ginny's surprise

"Open!" Abby, Norah and Gracie heard Max say as she was covering Ginny's eyes

"Surprise! Happy birthday!" the three girls said at the same time, there usual hangout spot was now covered in balloons, picture's of Ginny with each of the girls, along with papers with a "G" on them, and a "Happy Birthday" banner

"You guys really didnt have to do all this"

"Meh, it was mostly Max" Norah said looking at Ginny

"It was all Max, actually" Abby smiled

"I'm so happy you moved here. Especially Grace, i dont know what i would have done without her, and you" Max said putting a birthday crown on Ginny

"Haha. yeah, we get it, Max. Yeah, Ginny's the best. You're amazing. You're the best, and om just over it. Im so over it. And i..i have to go to class" Abby sighed before leaving

"That was hateful"

"Pretty bitchy"

"Maybe she just has something going on at home or something" Ginny shrugged as Gracie bit her lip, she knew what was going on at home, Abby had been calling her almost every night

"Or she's just insanely jealous. She's become the Grinch Who Stole Sophomore year. I cant" Max said rolling her eyes at she down at a chair

"Come on, give her a break. We all have something going on, some can hide it more than other. Ill talk to her later" Gracie said before sitting across Max's lap

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