Amazing Plan

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3rd person pov

"What do we do!?" Gracie asked looking at Ginny

"Did he read it?"

"No" Gracie said checking her phone

"Ok! So go over there, take his phone and delete it" Ginny said nodding as if she just came up with the best plan

"A-are you dumb? I cant just waddle over there, grab his phone and delete it without him being suspicious"

"You like him right? Ok, if he finds out what mom did would he really wanna be with you? No offense"

"none taken" Gracie said waving her off

"Okay, we can go together. You distract him and ill grab the phone" Ginny said as Gracie nodded

"Might work, Marcus said itll only be him and Max there!" Gracie smiled

"Just, act not high?" Ginny questioned a little as Gracie nodded

"Let me go change, and we can go!" Gracie called going to her room, she changed into black biker shorts, a sweatshirt, and her white convers

"Do i knock or?" Ginny whispered looking at her sister, who shook her head

"No, Ellen gave me a key since they were out of town, she doesn't trust the two to not lose it" Gracie said before unlocking the door

"Come on" She whispered grabbing onto Ginny's hand , they made their way inside, when they saw no one in the living room they checked the kitchen and dining room

"Okay, so either they are in the bathroom, their rooms, or gone" Ginny concluded as Gracie nodded

"Max! What do you want for dinner!" They heard Marcus call, when they heard foot steps they looked at each other wide eyed before hiding in the coat closer

"Can we order takeout?!" Max yelled laying on her bed

"What do you want!?" Marcus yelled sitting on the couch

"Uh, Pizza?"

"Okay!" Marcus yelled turning the tv on, as Gracie stuck her head out of the closet and looked around

"Come on!" Gracie whispered yelled to her sister grabbing her arm and going up the stairs, they made it to Marcus's room, as Gracie pushed Ginny into the room and shut the door

"Max, hey!" Gracie said loud enough for Ginny to hear

"Hey" Max smiled "how was your day with me enemies?" Max asked looking at her

"Just got high" Gracie shrugged as Max nodded

"Wait, what are you doing here?" Max asked confused

"Oh! Oh, um, i was gonna set Marcus's room up and surprise him" Gracie smiled lying, as Ginny groaned not being able to find Marcus's phone

"Max, who are you talking- Oh, Gracie"

"Marcus! Hi" Gracie called rather loudly go Ginny would hear, speaking of Ginny she finally found Marcus phone but didn't know his password

"What are you doing here?" he asked looking at the blonde who chuckled awkwardly

"Uh, i was-" but she was cut off by her phone going off

"One sec" she said answering her phone only to see it's Ginny

"Grandma, hi"

"Grandma? what? it's Ginny"

"Uh, what can i do for you grandma?"

"Whatever. Uh, what's Marcus's phone password?"

"My name"

Consume • Marcus BakerUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum