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3rd person pov

Gracie and Marcus woke up as Gracie was in between his legs with her head on his chest.

"Good morning" he yawned playing with her hair.

"Good morning" she said sitting up and stretching.

He stood up stretching, then placing his hands out for Gracie to grab them.

She smiled grabbing his hands and getting up.

"How'd you sleep" he asked hugging her with his chin on her head.

"Good, you?" she asked placing her arms around his waist.

"Good, surprisingly" He said kissing the top of her head before they left the locker room.

They were walking hand in hand, as they got outside she went to let go of his hand but he grabbed it smiling down at her.

"Come on, i think the moms are giving free breakfast" she laughed as he nodded.

"Hey is that Gracie and Marcus" Norah asked pointing to them.

Max nodded smiling, even though she was still sad "Oh yeah, the other night he told me he likes her" She said as Abby smiled despite being drunk.

"They are cute" she slurred.

"Yep, cute" Ginny said, as Hunter grabbed her hand, as she fake smiled happily at him.

"Wanna come to mine" Marcus asked as i nodded leaning into him.

"Yeah, lets goo" I sing sang walked past mom.

"Mom" I smiled hugging her.

"Hi, baby. how was last night" she asked giving me and Marcus a burrito.

"It was good, i had fun" I smiled as Marcus grabbed my hand again.

"I ddint see you very much" She said.

"Oh, i fell asleep early" I smiled as she nodded.

"You coming" she asked walking away.

"yeah, come on" Marcus nodded as we walked behind Ginny and mom who was behind Max and Ellen.

"hey mom, im gonna go with, Marucs. Is that fine?" I asked as she turned to me.

"Yeah, go ahead, baby." she said as i smiled.

"Gracie" Abby yelled coming over and hugging me with Max and Norah behind her.

"Samantha is crying in chem now, please be crying" Max said showing me her phone

"Babes, you're so photogenic" Abby said hugging me as Ginny came over smiling.

It was a photo of Ginny and Hunter and somehow i was in the background with Marcus.

"Oh, i am hot" I joked laughing as Abby sat on my lap.

"Arent we so cute" Hunter said coming over and hugging Ginny.

"You okay, babe" I asked grabbing Abby's hand to stop her chewing on her fingers.

"Uh, yeah can we go to the bathroom" she asked as i nodded

"Of course, lets go?" I said as she nodded.

"Mom where are all the batteries" I asked yelling down the stairs.

"Uh check my bedside table!" She said as i nodded going into her room

"Gross" I mumbled seeing her toys.

"I am not touching those! I dont need them to move around!" i yelled going into the bathroom and brushing my teeth.

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