Drunk and Crunk

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3rd person pov

Max and Ginny were lying on Max's bed, as Gracie was sitting in the window on her phone

"What do I do about Sophie?" Max asked catching the two girls' attention

"Oh, I know! You should drunkenly try and make out with her in front of all your friends. Oh, wait. You already did that" Ginny teased

"Are you trying to kill me, bro? I'm serious, man" Max sighed looking at her as Gracie got up going over and lying on Max

"I need help. What do i do?" Max sighed as her and Gracie sat up and Ginny follow their lead

"Apologize" Gracie shrugged

"Tell her you like her. Be direct and truthful. God! I'm so sick of people not being direct and truthful" Ginny said sitting up

"Sorry I've been so obsessed with Sophie" Max sighed placing her head on Gracie's chest

"What's going on? Is this about that biddy from Blue Farm? She was like a human Frye Festival?" Max asked as Ginny looked at Gracie who nodded and shrugged

"You cant tell Abby or Norah" Ginny said looking at her, as Max looked between the two

"Ooh. It's gonna be good, isnt it?" She asked smiling "I love sentences that start with "dont tell Abby or Norah" she added

"Apparently, Georgia has a sister she forgot to tell us about" Ginny sighed

"Hey, loser. Dad said mom's working later, so we're on our own for dinner" Marcus said coming into the room

"You ok?" He asked looking at Ginny

"Not really?"

"whats up?" he asked before looking at Gracie

"None of yo business" Max said looking at him, as they made weird faces at one another

"Its fine, Max, he can hear this" Gracie said as Marcus come over kissing her before sitting next to her

"Georgia has a secret sister that Gracie or i never knew about who just showed up. Austin might be the next Ted Bundy, and I thought my mom's parents were dead. But, hey, fun news.. they're not!" Ginny explained as Marcus was playing with Gracie's hair

"OK, i would watch the shit outta that show" Max said as Gracie nodded

"Me too, and id be in it"

"That sucks" Marcus commented

"Right? Thank you. And when i asked Georgia about it, she just lies and pretends like everything is sunshine and butterflies. That's what bothers me the most. Obviously, there's a lot shes not telling Gracie and I. Why all the secrecy? It affects us also" Ginny explained once more

"So ask your aunt" Marcus said interlocking his and Gracie's hand as Gracie's phone went off

"Hi, mom. At the Bakers with Gin. Where are you? Oh, ok, ill leave now" Gracie said before hanging up and standing up

"Mom is getting drunk and crunk. So I'm gonna go watch Austin and Caleb" She explained putting her shoes on

"ill come" Max shrugged

"Yeah, me too" Marcus smiled looking at Gracie, they were together, but not together, but they knew they were together besides what anyone said

Ginny sighed "I guess ill come"

"Ohh! Dont touch the lava!" Austin laughed holding one of Gracie's hand as Marcus was holding the other, they were playing the floor is lava

"Come on you gotta follow me. Jump! We gotta get to the sofa to be totally safe! Ready?" he asked before jumping on the couch

Gracie jumped on it before sitting on him, as Austin laughed sitting next to them, placing another pillow on the floor so Caleb could jump on the couch

"Dont touch the lava!"

"Austin, Caleb. Now, if you could have a dog or a monkey, which one would you have?"

"A monkey" they said at the same time, as Marucs put his arm around Gracie's waist

"But what if it was a girl money and a boy dog?"

"Dog" they said at the same time once more


"Aw, look! He's found his intellectual equals" Max said making Gracie laugh a little, as the door opened followed with laughing

"Ok. All right" Joe said helping Maddie into the house

"Broke the door"

"Hi, mom! We were playin lava" Austin smiled at Georgia

"Oh, how fun! That's great!" she smiled

"Ok. Hey, i brought them home cause they got a little sauced" Joe said before Maddie gasped and dived to the floor

"Harry Potter!" she yelled before groaning and grabbing the book "I remember this one. Voldemort tried to kill him, like, a bunch of times. And then this guy, Cedric? He gets demolished. Poor Cedric" She said before passing out on the floor

"What's wrong with Aunt Maddie?" Austin asked looking at her

"She just needs to go to bed, Austin, dont worry" Gracie smiled at the younger

"She'll be ok" Caleb added

"Uh, boys? Who wants ice cream?" Max asked before her, Caleb and Austin went to the kitchen

"hey, man, uh?" Joe asked pointing to Maddie as Marcus nodded, Gracie got up from his lap as Marcus went to help Joe

"Come on. Dont be a party pooper!" Georgia said nudging Ginny

"The rugs so comfy" Maddie said half asleep

"I know it is" Joe said as him and Marcus lifted her up

"im hungry!" she whined as Joe grabbed her and followed Georgia

"You ok?" Marcus asked looking at Gracie who nodded

"Fine. Ginny's the one that's staring holes into her back" Gracie said as she began to pick up the pillows from off of the floor

"I hate her. I really hate her. She does this. She ruins everything. Its always something. Always" Ginny spoke, before they all looked over seeing Paul

"Paul? hi" Gracie smiled looking over at him

"Hi. Uh, sorry to barge in like this. The door was open. I was just hoping to drop some flowers off for Georgia. She seemed a little off today" Paul said coming over to the living room

"Its been an off-week"

"Im sorry to hear that. Ill just leave these at the front door" Paul said before Ginny interrupted him

"Georgia's upstairs if you wanna go on up" She said as Gracie looked over at her

"Really?" Paul asked as Gracie went to speak but Ginny cut her off

"Yeah. Go on up. I'm sure she'd love to see you"

"Ok! Um.. that way?"



"Ginny, the fuck?" Gracie spoke looking at her the second Paul went upstairs


"Bitch move" Gracie scoffed before going upstairs to her room, as Marcus got up and followed her

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