Sneaking out

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3rd person pov

Gracie and Abby were doing karaoke but stopped when the door opened and two people came in

"Whats up! Hi!" Nick smiled coming into the living room

"Sorry to interrupt, but we heard there was a birthday going on" Nick smiled as Georgia turned down the music

Gracie noticed Georgia smile fall as Nicks boy friend came into the house

"We're just on our way back from Drag Brunch at Jacko's Cabaret in Boston. So, fair warning, I'm a walking mimosa, but Avril Vagine simply had to stop by and make things a little "Complicated" for the birthday girl. Are we doing karaoke? Because, stop aside, Little Orphan Annie, and Barbie Mini Georgia, its my turn" Nick laughed before coming over and grabbing a mic

A few hours later all the girls, including Nick and what's his name were now dancing around as Nick was doing karaoke

"Clue has everything. Murder. Intrigue. Tim Curry. Communism. Trust me on this one. You're in for a treat" Georgia smiled looking at the five girls, they were now dressed in pajamas laying on Gracie's bed, since her room was bigger they decided to sleep in there

"Flames! Flames on the side of my face" Georgia acted from the movie, but stopped and nodded

"You'll see. All right. Night, ladies'!" Georgia smiled closing the bedroom door

"Good night!" The girls called back

The second the girl was closed all the girls jumped up making fake body's on the bed before changing and doing their makeup

She was dressed in a black crop top that tied in the front along with ripped mom jeans, she was standing next to Abby putting some lip gloss on

"I dont know, you guys. This was actually really sweet. Jeez, when i turned 16, my mom just gave me a hundred bucks"

"Okay, yeah, but your bat mitzvah was, like, literally insane"

"You're Jewish?" Gracie and Ginny asked at the same time


"Me too" Norah added

"Seriously?" Ginny asked looking at her

"Baruch atah adonai, bitch" Norah said before putting on more bronzer

"I'm not, but I've been to, like, 17 bat mitzvahs, so i feel like i am"

"Max!" Gracie called laughing a little

"Dude, what is that?" Abby asked looking at her, motioning to the googly eyes on her underwear

"Dude, what? Too much?" She asked looking at it

"Oh God"

"Hi, Sophie! I see you!"

"All right, go!" Abby laughed throwing a beauty blender at her

Gracie, Max and Ginny were all standing around eachohter, they had helped Max get into her dress 

"Oh, my God. Here wo go. We're about to lose our virginities!" Max cheered grabbing each of their hands

"I dont even know if Marucs will be down" Gracie shrugged as Max waved her off

"He's practically obsessed with you. Oh my God. Are you nervous? I'm a little big nervous. No, I'm not. A little. I'm just really glad the three of us are doing this together"

"Yeah, come on"

"Lets play some Beirut!" Brodie yelled as everyone cheered

"Come on, laides"

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