I Don't Care

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3rd person pov

"I cant believe Cynthia" Ginny said shaking her head

"Hate that bitch" Gracie added rolling her eyes

"Our moms been busting her ass."

"And the way she is about this job, we have never seen her care like this before" Gracie sighed

"im so proud of her" Ginny smiled

"And then this bitch pulls this crap" Gracie said as Max nodded

"bitch, crap, im with you two" Max said putting her arm around Gracie

"It's dangerous to let your guard down. I see what happens when my dad and mom get together. Its never good. It always ends with something yelling, and someone crying. And usually they're the ones yelling and I'm the one crying"

"Dude, i am so stressed" Max sighed as Gracie was sitting on her lap she was dressed in a dark green hoodie, black biker shoes and high top black convers

"I have hives in really annoying places. Its not fun. And the thought of volunteering with EDCO, on top of homework and school and rehearsal its like, it makes me wanna chop myself up into hamburger meat" She said looking at Hunter who was sitting on the desk

Hunter chuckled a little "i feel you. Between soccer, 3SB, and tutoring, im burnt out"

"Shit, you guys are so scheduled" Ginny said looking at them

"Not really, just normal" Hunter shrugged

"Just stuff you have to do for college, which is pointless anyway since a psychology degree will be useless when the planet implodes in 30 years" Max sighed

"Stuff you do for college?" Gracie asked confused placing her arm around Max, as Max placed her arm around her waist

"Volunteering in Peru and winning a mock business proposal competition" Max said rolling her eyes

"She's talking about me. i did those things." hunter winked at Ginny

"What extracurriculars have you done?" Ginny asked looking at Max

"Jesus, uh. Flute, French, piano, field hockey, basketball, soccer, tap, ballet, hip-pop, jazz, pottery.. karate and theater" Max shrugged it off as if it was nothing big

"Settle down! Seats, please" Gitten said coming into the classroom, Hunter got off of the desk and sat as his heat as Gracie got off of Max and went and sat behind Hunter

"I have an announcement. We are going to be submitting to the National Junior Pulitzer Essay Contest. The theme is "Where do you feel you most belong". I will choose one of you to proceed to the regional competition. Its, uh, prefect for college applications. Yeah, Maxine?"

"What if the only place you ever felt you belong is in a dark room watching The Office? Do you still have to write the essay?" She asked, vaild

"Yes" he nodded as she sighed hitting her head on teh desk

Abby and Gracie were walking the hallways, she grabbed her phone as it went off

Hes here.

Gracie furrowed her eyebrows before putting her phone back in her pocket

"Have you guys seen Norah anywhere by chance? i feel like shes been, like, really MIA. Not as MIA as Max, who was utterly disappeared" Abby asked meeting at the tree with, hunter, Brodie, Matt, Jordan and Ginny

"Yeah, Max is over-scheduled, so shes having a nervous breakdown right now" Gracie said texting Georgia back as she was spamming her

"Ah-ha! There you go. That's exactly it. That's what happens when you become a couple. You completely disappear.. from your friends"

"Aww! Well, if you're lonely, ill date you, Abs" Brodie joked smiling

"You're welcome to give me head, and Gracie's invited"

"Screw you, Press"

"You okay, Abs?" Ginny asked looking at her

"yeah. I'm good. Cool, cool, cool. Fun, fun, fun. I'm just having a bad day" Abby said sitting on the floor as Gracie followed

"Some days are diamonds, and some days are only stones"

"Thanks for that, Confucius"

"i hate all of you. Gracie's my only friends only in my time of need"

"Oh my God. he's here" Gracie and Ginny said at the same time standing up

Now Zion wasn't Gracie's dad, her dad is in the military. But Zion did take care of Gracie when he was with Georgia, up until they split.

They both looked over hearing the door open

"Dad!" Ginny yelled going over and hugging him

"Come here, Gracie" He smiled as she smiled running over and hugging him

"I cant believe you're here" Ginny said looking at her dad

"Wow! Look at you two all grown up!" Zion smiled at his daughter, the the girl he would also call his daughter no matter what

"Whos your friend?" Zion asked motioning to Hunter

"This is Hunter, my boyfriend"

"Oh. boyfriend? um.."

"Uh, hi, er, Mr. Miller"

"uh, call me Zion. Nice to meet you" Zion smiled shaking Hunter's hand

"Zion, yeah"

"Do you guys wanna ride home? Brought the bike?" Zion smiled looking at the two

"Oh, i missed the bike. Um, yes lets do that. Ill just...ill see you tomorrow"

"Gracie?" Zion asked looking at the blonde

"Its fine, i drove here. But ill see you guys at home" She smiled as he hugged her once more before they walked away

"Zion!" Austin yelled coming outside the same second Gracie arrived home

"Hey, little man!" Zion smiled picking him up

"Hey. Thanks for the fence" Georgia called from her balcony

"Hey, peach" he smiled as they all made their way inside

"These are Nepalese bone dice" Zion said grabbing a mini pouch from his bag and handing it to Austin


"Sherpa Ang Tharkay's memoir. One of the most famous Mount Everest guides" He said handing Ginny a book

"And for you" he smiled hanging Gracie a plain notebook and a pack of pens, she smiled grabbing it

He had known that sometimes she doesn't eat and that she over thinks a lot, so when she was younger he always bought her notebooks so she could write how she feels. He was the only one to help her when she got really bad, he was the only one to sit and talk her through it. He wasn't her dad, but to her he was more of a dad then her real dad. But she loved them both the same

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