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Gracie pov

I walked back into my room from the shower laying on my bed when mom came into my room.

She sighed laying on the bed next to me "what's wrong" I asked placing my phone down.

"Ginny" she said playing with my hair.

"She's an ass but she means well" I said as she smiled at me.

"Dad called" I said playing with my finger.


"he misses me, he loves me he hangs up" I said trying not to cry.

"Im sorry baby, you know how he is" she said playing with my hair smiling.

"I know, i'm gonna go to bed for school tomorrow" I said as she nodded smiling and then leaving.

3rd person pov

"Mom shut up" Gracie yelled hearing her loud music.

"Come get a taste" she said looking in the mirror.

Georgia flashback.

Standing on the side of the road with her thumb up waiting for someone to stop.

When a car came but didnt stop, she looked over seeing a row of motorcycles, with a girl on one and a boy on the other.

When another car came by, she put her thumb up agan. They passed.

"hey kid, come here" The lady on the motorcycle yelled to her.

"what's your name" she asked.

"Georgia" she said looking at the "welcome to Georgia" sign.

"who happened to you face" the biker asked looking at her freshly bruised eye.

"I'm gonna give you some advice. It looks like you need it. You win more flies with honey, but if you get yourself a bee, sting first."

3rd person pov

While Virgina and Austin were asleep, Gracie was listening to music, as her mom was outside drinking wine and watering the flowers.

Georgia placed the wine and watering can down running over to the neighbor when she saw their son trying to sneak back in.

"hey kid" she whispered, as he turned around looking at her confused.

"who are you" he whispered looking at her.

"My kids and i moved in across the street, i hear you have bud" she said getting straight to the point.

"I can't sleep. that would really help me out right now, say something, you got bud or not?" she asked as he dug in his pocket pulling a ziplock bag full of it out.

"Thanks, kid" she said grabbing it then started running back to the house.

"Its Marcus" he yelled to her.

"dont do drugs, Marcus"

Gracie pov

We were dropping Austin off at school before she brung me and Ginny.

"So, you excited" she asked fixing her hair.

Tw/ talking about cuts

I shrugged playing with my tights "I dont know" i said trying not to wince when I touched the cut, on my thigh from last night.

She sighed "you never know Gracie, you're very indecisive" she said laughing slightly.

I rolled my eyes looking at her "Well Ginny, i have nothing to say" I said pursing my lips pulling my skirt down a little.

"Virgina, Gracie, i should warn you guys, we keep a, uh rigorous in AP english. The AP students take this very seriously, so if my classes proves to me too much from either of you, i suggest you do a favor and move down to english okay" The teacher said as he pulled us over to talk to us.

They do this in every AP class.

"Id hate to see you guys bite off more than you can chew, uh we cover all the greats, Steinbeck, Salinger, Miller, Homer, Fitzgerald, Shakespeare of course, um 16 books in total, okay"

"Its Ginny" She said as he gave us a paper.

"We should just run away, were living in a Crest commercial" she said as we were walking to the only two desk that didn't have anyone sitting in them.

"Welcome back, AP english hiding in the back there you will find our two new students, Virginia Miller and Gracie Miller"

"She prefers Ginny, as she's told you"  I said looking at him.

"Now i know its our first day back from summer vacation, but i thought it was an excellent opportunity for a pop quiz" he said ignoring me.

"Those of you who didn't do the summer reading of 'The Crucible' are in for a world of pain, uh, dont worry Virginia, Gracie, i dont expect you to have to read it"

"Oh yea, you have a question" he said to Ginny when she raised her hand.

"There are 16 books on this syllabus"

"Yes, like i said you can always drop down-"

"Fourtneed of them are written by men, 15 were written by white people.... and ill guess the one black author will crop us for Black history Month, am i right" she said as the girl next to her smiled at her.

"Excuse me" he asked getting angry

"Im very serious about my education, Mr. Gitten, and i can say the same about my sister"

"Im worried i might internalize an ideology that the main viewpoint, the viewpoint worth studying in class, the viewpoint of the greats, is only that of the white male thus eradicating my voice as immaterial, and finally im worried i wont be stimulated intellectually" Ginny said as i smiled at her.

"Oh and we have both read The Crucible, and we're both confident that we can take the quiz today" I said as Ginny grabbed my hand under the desk.

"Are we through, Virginia, Gracie"

"Have you got it through she prefers Ginny"

"Well, i dont know how things were done at your guy's last school, Ginny, but here, we dont tolerate political outburst and grandstanding at the expense of your peers' class time"

"Oh, i am just so sorry, are we wasting your time" I said looking around as no one said anything.

"yes, Maxine" he said when a girl in a bright pink jacket raised her hand.

"Hi. Im, also super concerned about my subconscious digestion of the superiority of the white male perspective. Also, I have period cramps can i go to the nurse"

"Okay that's it, for the rest of the class, we will be silent and take the pop quiz. It's worth 10% of your first semester grade"

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