Dont Hold Her Back

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3rd person pov

"Our mom isn't a normal mom"

"We know that"

"She operates differently"

"Ginny, Gracie, the rules weren't made to help people like us. So why follow 'em?"

Georgia was on her balcony smoking, she looked over when she heard noises only to realize Marcus was climbing out of his window, she raised her eyebrow as he smoothly climbed down

"We've been been the normal pick fence, dinner at 7 family."

"Everything she's done, she's done for us. We can be okay"

Georgia leaned against the wall once she realized Marucs was making his way over to the house, which made her even more confused

"Hey" Marcus smiled looking at the blonde who opened her window for him, "Shut up loud ass. The whole neighborhood can hear you" she said rolling her eyes and closing her window

"Sorry" he smiled before pulling her closer to him by the waist as she put her arms around his neck, "You look pretty" he said as she rolled her eyes

"You say that all the time"

"And itll always be true" he shrugged before kissing her, she began to play with his belt beofre undoing it, "Are you sure?" he asked letting out a breath

"Yeah, just shut up" she said waving him off as she got on her knees in front of him

"Gracie!" Georgia called earning in Gracie standing up right away

"Uh, closet!" she whisper yelled wiping her mouth, pushing him to the closet as he was trying to pull his pants us "How many clothes do you have!" he whisper yelled back once they both realized her closet was more than full

"Sorry, i have amazing fashion. Bathroom, go!" she said pushing him towards the bathroom as he tripped over his pants, "One second! I fell off of the bed!" she yelled before closing the door behind him and sitting on her bed once the door opened

Georgia slowly opened the door smiling, "You're up"

"Its only 9 pm, mom" Gracie shrugged as Georgia nodded, "I forgot to pick up our birth control from CVS. Be a peach and run out and grab it"

"Can i grab it tomorrow morning?"

"Oh, yeah, that's fun. Lets play fast and loose with our birth control. Remind me of our age difference again? It's one, two.. almost sixteen years. Come on, move your butt" Georgia smiled as Grace sighed but stood up and left.

"Marcus, are you in the closet?" she asked looking around the room

"Marcus..." Georgie trailed off before opening the closet door to reveal no one, "Oh jk , you're in the bathroom" she smiled once she heard something fall in the bathroom

"Are you decent?" she asked, "uh, no" he sighed a little

"Come out here, please" she said as he opened the door to find her sitting on a chair

"Hi there!" she smiled, "Hi" he waved a little

"Im gonna go" he said pointing to the door as she stopped him, "How long have you been dating my daughter?" she asked, but she already knew the answer

"uh, oh, we're not dating. Its, uh..." he said trying to find the right words, "I dont like that answer"

"I really like her"

"You really like her?"

"I love her"

"You love her?"

"Yeah, i do" he nodded as she blew smoke out of the window, "Have a seat" she said motioning to her bed as he hesitantly sat down

"You're a damaged kid, aren't you? Its okay. I know. I'm damaged too" she said before passing him the blunt

"Gracie is amazing. She's gonna go and do amazing, big, wonderful things. And you know, i realized something recently. She doesn't know it yet, but one day, when she figures out that our damage is holding her back, she's more than likely gonna leave us. And I'm not trying to be cruel. Well, maybe i am trying to be cruel, but.. I'm being honest. You're her high school love, and I'm okay with that. That's sweet, that's great, its swell. Take her sock hop, or whatever. But when the time comes, and you really love her, dont hold her back. Hey. Promise me"

Marcus sighed rubbing his hand over his face before looking at her, "Yeah, i promise"

"And you've already broken her heart once Marcus, you're so fucking lucky she's even looking your way. If it was up to me you would not be talking to her, cause in my opinion you fucked up the best thing you ever had. Dont you ever even think about hurting her again, if she ever gives you another chance" Georgia spoke glaring at him

"And if you get her pregnant, ill kill you" she added smiling, "Mom, you liar. The pharmacy said you picked it up this morning" Gracie called coming into her room, she looked between her mom and her ex before narrowing her eyes at her mom

"What the fuck is this?"

"Oh, Marcus stopped by for a smoke on his way out of your bathroom"

"Did you knock something over and she heard you?" Gracie asked looking at Marcus who nodded, "It was in my way"

"Is this the trust thing we were talking about?" Gracie asked looking at her mom, "You tell me. Were you gonna share that your secret boyfriend, ex boyfriend, was sneaking through your window"

"Yeah, no, he's not my boyfriend"

"Yeah, now's the time for semantics. Sneaking a boy through a window. Am i trapped in a 90's show? What is this? Clarissa Explains It All? Dawson's Creek? What's next episode? Someone have a mental breakdown or hook up with a teacher? im definetly tuning in"

"I dont know... maybe a flashback where you found him going through Ginny's window and didnt say anything, but when its my window its a whole problem? He was my boyfriend, going through my sister's window and you shrugged it off! But if he was my boyfriend, going through my window its a problem?" Gracie scoffed rolling her eyes

"I, uh, i should get going" Marcus said getting up from Gracie's bed, he kissed her on the forehead before leaving

"This is really fit mothering. Now, i dont know, get out"


"Food stamps are 210 a month. I only make 250. Rent is 500. And that brings us back to the conversation about my electric bill, and i promise you, not even Benjamin Franklin wanted to talk this much about electricity. I've been transferred three time. Okay? I'm tired. Please dont transfer. You cant turn it off if my kid's are sick, right? Its a law" Georgia smirked before grabbing a bottle of apple cider vinegar, she put some in Gracie and Ginny's cup as they drank it, they began to cough and gag at the taste

"You hear that? Another month. Thank you" Georgia sighed slamming the phone down before screaming, the two sisters looked at each other before screaming along with their mom

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