Ignoring Ginny

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3rd person pov

"So, can i ask why we're ignoring Ginny?" Gracie asked looking at her best friend who sighed

"Well, when i was sad and in mourning at home, i was laying on the couch when Ellen told me to turn the tv off so when i was looking for the remote i foun-"

"Seats, please. Call has begun" Gitten said coming into the classroom as Gracie looked at Max

"You're telling me later" she whispered as Max nodded

"Everyone take out your copies of A Room of One's Own. We were just finishing up with chapter three. "It is one of the great advantages-

"Hey, are we ok?" Ginny asked looking at Max who ignored her

"- that one can pass even a very fine" i-im gonna take a brief pause to point out the word that comes next. Now, the N-word is obviously a problematic word in todays context unless, of course, you're listening to a rap song.. word! However, i think it's important that we highlight that during the time, this word was not as polarizing. It was a different time. Also, I'd like to point out that a female wrote this book. But back to the word. Im not going to say it out loud because, well, frankly, it can be very upsetting. Right, Ginny?" Mr. Gitten said looking at her before he continued to read

"That one can pass even a very fine.. Blank...without wishing to make an English woman of her. That women then, who was born with a gift of poetry in the 16th century, was an unhappy woman, a woman at strife against herself. All the conditions of her life, all of her own instincts were hostile to the state of-" but he was cut off as Ginny got up and left

Gracie was gonna go after her sister but didn't as Max shook her head at her "Dont, Gracie. I'll explain later"

"How's your head?" Gracie asked looking at her boyfriend who was lying on his bed

"Better, i mean it still hurts a bit"

"Poor, baby. Maybe next time you wont be dumb and ride your motorcycle" She teased before kissing him and getting up

"Come back and lay with me" He said looking at her as she smiled rolling her eyes

"I have homework, and so do you" she said grabbing her book bag and the books Padma brung the other day

"but we can do homework later, and we can lay together right now"

"hmmm, no"

"Come on, i mean i still have a few more weeks until im allowed to go back to school"

"Yeah, but i dont want you to fall behind" She shrugged sitting across from him

"How about you do half the homework you have right now, and then we can lay together and then you can do the rest tomorrow?" she suggested as he rolled his eye but smiled

"Good" she smiled leaning over and kissing him before handing him his paper

"Now do your work"

MANGG (silent G)

Are we still meeting at the blue
farm before sing sing?

Gracie was dressed in a blue knee length dress with min butterflies on it, a black cropped jean jacket and her black doc martins

She was in the back with Max after she begged the producers for her to be back there claiming she was her emotional support human

"Max, breath!" Gracie whispered shouted looking at her

"im trying"

"You're gonna do amazing. You've been practicing forever" Gracie smiled as Max nodded

"Thank you, Gracie"

"You look great" Gracie smiled looking in the mirror standing behind Max

"Gracie, i have to tell you, i cant keep it in any longer Gi-"

"Max, hey!" Ginny called coming over with flowers in her hand

"im gonna go find a seat, but we can talk after the play" Gracie smiled as Max nodded looking at her

Gracie went off the stage and sat besides Abby and Marcus

"Everything ok?" he asked interlocking their fingers as she nodded looking at him

"perfect" She smiled kissing him before laying her head on his arm

"Why are you avoiding me?" Ginny asked looking at Max you once Gracie left

"I need to get into character"

"Max, stop! Are you mad at me?" Ginny asked following Max as she moved to the other side of the stage

Max scoffed rolling her eyes "What? I love you so much. You're my best friend. Why are you guys being mean for no reason." Ginny sighed looking at her

"Places. Places! You. Sparkle like a star." The director said looking at Max as she smiled at him, dropping it the second he walked away

"Max, please just tell me what i did"

"You had sex with my brother. And my brother cheated on Gracie with her sister" Max said glaring at Ginny before walking on stage

"Shes really good" Clint signed as they nodded listening to Max singing

"Max, please. Max" Ginny begged looking at Max, who was off stage and changing

"You has sex with him behind my back and didn't tell me, or Gracie, and they're dating! What kind of horrible sister and friend are you? How could you do that to me and her. How, Ginny, how!" Max ranted before smiling as she went back on stage

"Max, please. Please wait. You believe me. i wanted to tell you, and Gracie. I..im really, really sorry. I love you. You're my best friend. I kept it a secret cause i love you and Gracie and i didn't know what to do. I had just moved to town, and then the second time you had just broken up with Sophie, a-and Gracie and Marcus weren't even talking" Ginny said looking at her about to cry

"It happened twice?" Max asked looking at her before going back on stage

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