Wellsbury Fall Fest

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Gracie Pov

"Welcome to teh 39th Annual Wellsbury Fall Fest!"

"These brushes are not giving me the rigth blend" Norah sighed, as i stopped painting the girls face to look

"Try to get it wet?" I said shrugging, Norah, Abby, Ginny, Max and I were in charge of the face painting, at the fall fest

"Who are you? Bob Ross? Just paint the damn tiger stripes" Abby said glancing over at her

"Ok, look at this. Im an artist" Norah said showing Abby the girls face, as Max let blood fall out of her mouth scaring the little girls face she was panting, she screamed before running off.

Abby, Max, and I laughed as she grabbed a rag cleaning off her chin, Ginny turned to look at her "You are a true, true psychopath."

Max smiled looking at her "Thank you"

"Hey, guys" Sam said coming over as we all looked at her before going back to what we were doing "Oh my, God. Ginny, cute sweater."

"Thanks, Sam" she smiled

"So, did you guys decide on a Halloween costume yet?" She asked as Abby turned to look at me, as i turned to look at Max

"Yeah. But its a secret cause we're doing this whole reveal" Max explained looking between us, Sam's smile fell

"Okay. Got it. I'll see you later" she waved a little before turning around and leaving

"Uh, Ginny, how many views are you up to?"


"But whos counting?" I asked laughing

Abby leaned over me before putting paint on Max's face, Max grabbed her arms "Abby! Why are you such an ADD nightmare?" Max said as we all looked at her

Abby yanked her arms away from Max "Relax. You literally just had blood on your face" Abby said coming back and sitting by me as i glanced over seeing Marcus sitting at Ginny's station

"What do you want?" she asked, as Abby looked at me wide eyed

"A heart" he said pointing at the table

"Seriously. What do you want?" She asked

"Is he for real?" Abby mouthed to me as i shrugged chewing on my lip

"Its fine" I mouthed back, turning back to the little girl i was painting flowers on her face

"Come on, Marcus. Get up." She said

"So, you're all popular now. That why you're ignoring my text?" He said as my eyebrows pinched together and Abby looked annoyed

Ginny had drew a dick on Marcus's face "Marcus, why dont you just go sniff cold medicine or whatever your hobbies are"

"Well, recently my hobbies have been Grai-"

"Okay!" I yelled getting up laughing "Im going to go to the bathroom, ill be back" I said leaving

"Ok. "Most Nightmarish street... goes to.. Bradley Street" Paul announced as everyone began to clap


"Yeah?" I asked turning to look at Marcus

"Im sorry"

"For what?" I asked confused as he grabbed my hands pulling me closer to him

"Sitting at Ginny's station" he said as i rolled my eyes, he placed his hands on my waist

"I dont really care about that, but what did you mean by the "Why are you ignoring my text?" I asked as he tightened his grip a little

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