Winter Musical

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3rd person pov

"Do you ever wonder why spiders dont get caught in their own webs?"

"Gracie, Ginny, life is a game. And if you're not plying it, chances are you're the one getting played"

"If life is a game, its always been Georgia's rules.

Marcus leaned over Gracie and turned her alarm off "Hi" he smiled moving the hair from her face

"No. Early. Sleep" she said pushing him back on the bed

"Wake up, Gracie" he spoke tickling her side

"Okay! Okay! Stop! If you wake my mom ill push you out of the window" she threated looking at him as he threw his hands up

"i like waking up here with you" he smiled looking at her before kissing her as she placed her hands on his chest

"Yeah, cause your practically obsessed with me" she said rolling her eyes smiling a little

"Oh, i am" he said before getting up, as he grabbed her arms getting her up

"i dont wanna go" she whined as he hugged her

"You gotta go, im sure MANGG is gonna die without you."

"not true, Max is still mad at Abby, and Norah is following what Max says. And then none of us are really talking to Ginny. Max is tolerating Abby when I'm around" she sighed

"Anything else on your mind?" He asked looking at her as she shook her head

"Nope" She smiled as he nodded

"Its 6, i should go. Your mom would kill me" he said as she shook her head

"Dont leave, please"

"I have to, but ill see you at school"

"but im still mad at you" she said following him to her window, she was more than pissed at him, but him being around her comforted her, she hated it

"Thats okay, im gonna do anything and everything i can to win you back, Gracie. I promise" he smiled kissing her before leaving as she sighed going back and laying on her bed

"Gracie, get up! Time for school" Georgia called as she groaned

"Georgia treats people like little game pieces and moves us all around. She said it was me and her against the world. But now its me, her and Ginny. But that wasnt true. Turns out Ginny and I were pawns"

She threw on black jeans a blue looking coreset top, along with her black convers, she grabbed her bag and made her way downstairs

"Gracie, take Ginny to school, please!"


"ill pay you?"

"Fine" Gracie said rolling her eyes at she sat at the island

"Well, this is- This is really great, you know? Usually a breakfast-on-the-go kind of guy, but, you know, sitting here together, you know, i usually get eggs and coffee and then. But this.. this is-"

"Its just waffles" Austin said looking at him

"So, please, stop your sob story" Gracie almost begged looking at him

"yes, they are, but they are delicious"

"yeah, waffles are awesome. uh, mom, i need a note for school"

"Mm. What should we say? Alligator bite?"

"Mom" Austin smiled looking at her

"FBI consultation emergency?"

Consume • Marcus BakerWhere stories live. Discover now