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Gracie pov

"Virgina, you're still in bed" I heard mom yell.

I sighed rolling out of bed, changing into a hoodie and a skirt.

"No, mom. stop. not this. stop" Ginny said as i walked into her room leaning on the door.

"Time to get up! Be like your sister and be up on time" Mom said pulling the blankets off of Ginny.

"Our mom is nothing if not a realist"

"Fantasies are for people with 401ks, you gotta keep your feet on the ground and your head out of your ass"

"Sometimes i wish i was like Gracie, so i wasn't stuck in between Hunter or Marcus"

"yeah, Ginny, be like me" i said, laughing when she threw a pillow at me.

"Austinnn" I yelled going into his room.

"He went to school early" Mom yelled from down stairs.

I groaned about to walk downstairs when i heard the world's worst thing "Its friday! Happy friday! Good morning, Ginny welcome to friday!".

"Clear eyes, open hearts, dumb fools. Big dreams are for big idiots"

I laughed when Ginny grabbed her blanket off the floor and laying back down.

"Oh Ginny, "Happy friday, its friday welcome to friday" I said laughing.

"Oh god, im crying" I said laughing more as tears were coming to my eyes.

"I'm gonna make that my ringtone" I said letting out a breath and laughing again.

I walked downstairs seeing mom cut up fruit while on the phone, I grabbed a strawberry going to eat, deciding not to i placed it back down.

"Im staring at a mortgage payment and utility bills" she said giving me a plate of waffles' with fruit.

I chewed on my lip eating half before throwing the rest away.

"Marty, i am utterly broke, ok?"

"We're broke? noooo!" i yelled as i dramatically fell on the floor.

"Please get me my money. Im gonna have to resort to methods dont wanna have to resort to"

"Have i found Jesus? no. Son of a bitch is playing hard to get" she said as Ginny walked down stairs.

"Please take me off the list of people to call. Gracie for the love of your father get off the floor, you're wearing white" she said as i gasped getting up.

"Slutty top" Ginny said looking at mom.

"Got it at the shop you stole from. Waffle? Toasted 'em myself"

"Whats this" Mom asked as Ginny gave mom the sophomore sleepover paper.

"Sophomore sleepover" I said drinking water.

"Welcome to Pleasantville" Ginny said opening the blueberries.

"I guess if you've always had a tempurpedic, the notion of a sleeping bag on the floor is charming. But Gracie would barley sleep on a couch, or an air mattress, let alone in a sleeping bag on the floor" Mom said as i rolled my eyes looking at her.

"I have sensitive skin" i said shrugging.

"Mm. Elleens running it. You can give her the money for our tickets"

"Excuse me, miss. You both have jobs"

"Uh we start after school"

"we dont have any money"

"Pshhh. Speak for yourself i've saved the money my dad gives me and the money mom gives me i got like hundred's" i said smiling as i nodded.

"How much is it?"

"Hundred bucks"

"To spend the night in a school you already go to?"

"You moved us to this white, rich ass town. This is what they do there" She said eating the blueberries.

"these people are weird"

"totally weird"

"All night in the high school, sounds like a waste of a saturday"


Max pov

"This Saturday night is the most important night of my life" I yelled at my parents also signing

"i dont know what to tell you. you're grounded" Mom said and signed.

"Mom, this is Sophomore Sleepover. This transcends grounding. why dont you understand that? I'll die if i dont go!"

"Ill die if i do go" Marcus joined in.

Mom came over slamming a book on the table "I have spent hours and hours working my ass off, researching hot dog vendors, glow stick suppliers. If anyone gets to die, it's me"

"We could all die together. As a family" Dad signed.

"None of my friends are going"

"I thought you were friends with that Gracie Miller she's going, and so is her sister. Make friends!" mom yelled at him.

"No, Gracie is my friend" i said glaring at Marcus, as he smirked looking at me.

"You are actually the worst mother ever. Why cant you be cool like Georgia"

"I am pretty cool. Morning, Neighbors" She said appearing of of nowhere with Gracie by her side.

Gracie pov

"Come in! Join us!" Ellen said

"he said run, save yourself" I told mom as she looked at me confused.

"oh!" Mom said chuckling.

"If anyone needs to run its me" i signed to him earning in him smiling at me.

"I'm just here to get Ginny and Gracies ticket"

"See, mom? Gracie and Ginny are going"

"Would you like some breakfast" Ellen asked ignoring Max.

"Wow, you're such a good mom" My mom said going over to Ellen, as Max grabbed my hand.

I sat on her lap stealing her orange juice "Apple juice is better" i said placing the glass down as Marcus looked at me.

"isn't she a good mom, Max?"

"Go along with it" i whispered to her.

"Max, i think if you wanna prove that you deserve to go to Sophomore Sleepover, there are other ways to go about it than yelling at Ellen"

"yeah, stop yelling at Ellen"

She tapped my side making me stand up as she got up washing her plate.

"That is some serious Jedi mind shit" Marcus said then grabbing my arm setting me on his lap.

"At least buy me apple juice first" i said rolling my eyes.

He smiled laughing.

"Marcus, go to school, learn something"

"Gracie can be my teacher, she can teach me" he said as i got up going over to Ellen and my mom.

As Marcus got up grabbing his bag and leaving "Gracie, you coming" he yelled from the front door.

"I guess im leaving" I said shrugging, grabbing my bag and leaving.

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