Better Then The Friday Song!

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3rd person pov

Gracie was laying on her bed when her window opened, she looked over to see Marcus

"Everything ok?" he asked looking at her as she nodded

"Tired" she mumbled not getting up, as he walked over and layed next to her

"How was therapy?" he asked moving the hair out of her face

"Fine, she gave me a notebook to write my feelings, but Zion has given me one every few months, so i now have a basket full. And she gave me some rubber bands, told me to snap them when i feel like self-harming." she explained laying her head on his chest

"And she told me to call her if i cant resist the urge to self harm, and to write my triggers down" She added as he began to play with her hair

"You okay?" she asked looking at him

"Just hard to not hug you at school, or come and see you at work" he shrugged kissing her forehead

"I know. Its not that i dont wanna tell everyone we're okay, i just need a second, i just wanna know if i can really, really trust you before putting my all into it again, ok? And im still pissed at you and Ginny" she asked looking at him as he nodded

"Of course, i understand. Dont worry" he smiled kissing her forehead

Gracie was dressed in a long sleeve black top, and some basic mom jeans as she made her way inside "The Blue Farm Cafe"

"hi, Abs" Gracie smiled at her as she hugged her

"Hi, Gracie. I was wondering if i can stay until your shift is over? And then stay the night with you?" She asked playing with the straw in her drink

"Duh, let me know if you want anything" she smiled as Abby nodded going and sitting down

"Hey, can you take table 5?" Padma asked looking at Gracie who nodded putting the apron on and her name tag

"Hi" Gracie smiled going over to the table seeing Sophie and some dude

"Hey, Gracie" she smiled

"What can i get for you guys?"

"Can we get the sweet potato fries?" the boy asked before grabbing Sophie's hand, Gracie looked at Ginny and Abby, as they looked at her and then eachohter

"Of course, ill go grab those for you guys" she smiled leaving

Gracie was now at home, debating to go to the Bakers house, they had invited her to come over and hang out while they put the Christmas tree up

Gracie figured it would be weird, but only you can decide to make it weird

So she changed into a white crop top and ripped jeans, with her white convers and made her way to the Bakers

"Gracie" Ellen smiled going over and hugging her, as she smiled hugging her back

"hi, Ellen. Hi, Clint" Gracie smiled before hugging him

"Gracie!" Max yelled from the living room as Ellen rolled her eyes

"Hi, Maxi" Gracie smiled as Max got up and hugged her

"Thank gosh you're here" she sighed sitting down as Gracie sat next to her, waving to Marucs

"Hey, why so glum?" Ellen asked looing at her two kids

"Nothing" They said and signed at the same time

"Couple of grinches" Clint signed as Ellen and Gracie laughed a little

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