One Taste

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One taste and I’m in purgatory

Neither here nor there; not in heaven nor hell,

A clichéd, overused allegory.

A taste of poison to make me be well,

One taste and my thoughts are dead,

Resting, peacefully, buried deeply.

Forbidden words are safe unsaid,

Foreign insights cannot breach me,

One taste and the worlds soft-edged and sweet

The sky falls close to burying me gently

Pavement-gray waves sway beneath my feet

As the world tips and trembles so elegantly

One taste and I cannot help but smile

To speak and act and live so freely,

Unafraid for just a little while,

To see myself as others might see me.

One taste and the world is clear.   

Flickers, flounders, fractures fade.

I’m not alone for once, I’m here.

Playing the game as it’s meant to be played,

One taste, and I’m unable to stop,

Only quenched for a second, no more.

Before the tick and tock of the chemical clock

Draws me back to the one who’s allegience I swore.

I’ll let my soul rot and ignore my hearts angered pleas,

Just one taste

Only one

And I know I can not be free.

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