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"Did you give your penguin an iPhone?"

"He can have one."

"You understand me" Yeonjun nodded, smiling somewhat mockingly.

"It has its advantages" he said. "I love Kai's curiosity and everything, but sometimes it's very annoying, all day with questions, some that I don't know how to answer. That's the main one, then there are others, like contacting me when I'm not there. Hyuka still doesn't know how to read or write, but she can manage iPhone by voice" Taehyun sighed.

"I still can't believe that your pet has a better cell phone than me."

Yeonjun looked at him with a frown, that comment and the tone he had used had bothered him. In addition to referring to his cute hybrid and boyfriend as a "pet" it seemed horrible to him, as if he were an animal.

"Taehyun, what the fuck is wrong with you?" he said, Taehyun could hear the anger in his voice.

"First, Kai is not a pet, he is a person, he is more than that. So what if I gave him a fucking iPhone? It's none of your business what I spend my money on" Yeonjun let out a snort, his friend's attitude was seriously bothering him, he had been noticing it for a while.

Taehyun used to be very calm, and affectionate with everyone, but lately he had felt that he had changed more, his words were more abrupt and he seemed stressed most of the time. The brunette sighed heavily.

"Okay, Yeonjun, I'm sorry" he murmured, although his tone wasn't entirely believable. "You know, forget about our get-together, I'll take Beomgyu home, I'm leaving, thank you"

Without further ado, he got up from the comfortable chair, going up the stairs to the hybrids' room, opening the door without knocking, he noticed his kitten running around behind an excited brown rabbit, which was jumping all over the room, while Kai was in human form, playing with a ball.

"They are happy with so little things" he thought.

"Gyu" he called, entering the room. The hybrids stopped, the black cat looked at him for a second before switching to the cute human with cute little ears that shook a little with nervousness, who looked at him with those bright little eyes and a light blush on his cheeks. Taehyun felt his heart flutter for a moment, forcing him to pause before speaking.

"Let's go home, kitten" he said. "Take what you brought" Beomgyu nodded, before getting up to grab his coat, lying on the floor, and putting on a wool cap to hide his little ears.

Kai said goodbye to him with a smile and waving his hand, on the other hand, Soobin, who was always the most affectionate, changed to leave a kiss on his cheek and smile at him along with a 'Bye, Beomie'.

The kitten noticed his human with a frown, Taehyun took his hand with some force, to pull him towards him and put a hand on his shoulders, close to his body all the way until they reached the apartment.

His expression seemed annoyed, he didn't bother to hide it, and Beomgyu didn't say anything the entire way, biting his lip nervously.

As soon as he closed the door to the apartment, Taehyun kissed him forcefully, possessively and trapping his body against the door, his tongue ran through the hybrid's oral cavity, making both of their senses clouded, but mainly Beomgyu's, who didn't last more than a few seconds before starting to breathe agitated manner, purring loudly, feeling his face getting hotter and hotter.

Taehyun pulled away abruptly, both of them breathing deeply. Beomgyu's little eyes were a little red, his lips red and swollen, half open, allowing the purr to be heard better, his face like a tomato. Taehyun smiled because of how cute he was, caressed his cheeks and noticed Beomgyu's little eyes travel from his eyes to his lips, to return up, obviously nervous.

"Sorry for being so hard on you, Beomie," he said, wiping away a small trace of saliva that remained on the hybrid's lips with his thumb. "Sometimes I need you so much, kitten. You calm me down better than anything else."

They looked at each other without saying anything, until Taehyun walked away from him, Beomgyu felt cold, he noticed his human going towards the kitchen, it was time for dinner, so it seemed obvious to him that he would start cooking.

He followed him silently and watched him take out everything he would use, wash his hands, and begin.

"Hyunnie" he called.


"You love me?" Taehyun looked over his shoulder at the hybrid.

"Of course I love you, Gyu," he said. "I told you the other day, why do you ask?"

"Because you always tell me 'I love you' in an affectionate way, you only told me 'I love you' in a loving way once," he murmured.

"I guess it's the custom," said the brunette. "Do you want me to say it that way again?"

"Yes" he heard him. "Please," he murmured softer.

Taehyun laughed cutely.

"Come, Gyu," he said, as he left what He was preparing to clean his hands a little with a cloth, he heard the hybrid's footsteps approaching, until he saw Beomgyu face to face.

He left a small, adorable kiss on his lips, a delicate kiss, without any tongues or sudden movements, producing slight clicks with his fingers.

Minimal distances that made their lips dance, lasting a few seconds.

"I love you" the brunette murmured, as they separated, looking into his kitten's bright little eyes.

Beomgyu smiled, showing his gums and making slight wrinkles appear around his eyes, totally adorable.

Beomgyu dared to leave a short kiss on his human's lips.

"I-I love you too," he murmured.

"I-I love you too," he murmured

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