Chapter 1

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It was a beautiful day in London, fresh, clear with a touch of joy. The sun shone on the streets as passers-by walked about with a spring in their step. A gentle wind teased through the air and fluttered through an open window of Number 5 Bruton.

Eloise Bridgerton gazed listlessly out of the window of Number 5 Bruton and gave a sigh as the wind lifted the ends of her dark hair. She turned away from the window and surveyed her room.

The maid had come in that morning and the room was neat and tidy with the exception of her desk. She had given specific instructions that it was not to be touched.

Eloise picked up the parchments that littered the desk and looked through them. The first few were old Whistledown newsletters that she used to cover up anything of value. Below them was a parchment with Penelope's name scratched out multiple times, another with an invitation to attend a women's rights speech and the last....she fingered the edge of the last parchment as she stared at it.

She had spent the past few days pacing up and down her room and throwing a number of parchments into the fire as she tried to write a letter to Theo. Last night, she finally completed it.

"It will have to do for now", said Eloise with a grimace as she read through it. As she came to the end, she paused.

"Is this enough though?", Eloise asked herself. "I have spent months ignoring him and now this."

Eloise reddened as she thought of their previous encounter. Since that night, she hadn't seen him.

"Well to be fair, I have seen him. He just hasn't seen me", thought Eloise to herself as she recalled the number of times she had stolen to the print shop and watched him from afar.

"Watching him from afar, can I stoop any lower?", thought Eloise with disgust. Another voice in her head replied "You wouldn't have to if you could stop thinking about him."

Before Eloise could think up a response, there was a gentle knock at her door. She hurriedly pushed the letters out of sight just as her mother entered the room.

Lady Violet Bridgerton smiled as she entered her daughter's room.

"Eloise, dear. You didn't come down for breakfast this morning again. Is everything alright?"

"Yes, I'm fine Mother", Eloise replied quickly.

Violet looked at her daughter carefully before responding "Does this have something to do with Penelope? I notice the two of you haven't been spending much time with each other? Is something..."

"Everything's fine", said Eloise sharply, cutting across the sentence. Eloise hastened to reply as Violet raised her eyebrows.

"I mean, we both have just been busy lately, that's all. I have just been spending my time reading," finished Eloise gesturing with her hand at her desk.

"Yes, so you have told me", said Violet, not looking entirely satisfied. "Anyway, this moping around has to end. The weather is fine and we have been invited to a recital this evening at Lady Mottram's. We will be attending", said Violet with an edge of finality in her voice.

"Oh Mother, I...."began Eloise but then paused as her thoughts raced.

"Eloise?", asked Violet. "Were you saying something, dear?"

"No, I just wanted to know what time we need to leave, so I can get ready", Eloise said hastily.

"The recital is at seven", said Violet in disbelief at her daughter's reaction and question.

"Wonderful", said Eloise brightly.

"Very well. I'll leave you to it then", said Violet uncertainly as she left the room.

Eloise BridgertonWhere stories live. Discover now