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Let's continue...

Yoongi pov....

"Hello my name is Min yoongi today is my interview for the model of new product"

Receptionist politely smile at me "okay let me check first.. right it's on 13th floor.... it's going to start in 10 minutes"

I rushed to elevator and pressed 13th floor

Elevator door opens as I get out I could see there are 2 girls 2 boys sitting in the waiting area. After their interview my name was called.

God plz plz plz.... I hope I get through it.

I get inside and smile towards Mr Jungkook beside him their is woman sitting telling me to sit suddenly my eyes fell on him and my mood ruin....

What the hell he is doing here fuck my life ......he's non other then Taehyung

Taehyung is really looking forward to see yoongi. After all it's a first time any person has not taken his shit. Usually girls or boys  are ready to take his shit and moreover ready to do whatever he says.

*Let's see Mr min how far you can go * taehyung thought.

Yoongi quickly change his expression and put on a gentle face even though he is burning in rage from inside.

"Hello Mr min's please take a seat we are going to start with the interview. Let me introduce you myself first my name is Miss Diana Pattison I'm the head of PR team of Jeon enterprise".

Then she pointed to her right "you must know him....he is elder master and CEO Mr jeon Jungkook" and then she pointed to her left "and he is young master Jeon taehyung and he look after IT department, advertisement and several other branches of Jeon enterprise. Now we shall start with our
interview..... So Mr tell me about yourself"

Yoongi introduce himself .He have kept it short.

Miss Diana asked several other questions and yoongi one by one given her answer. It seems Miss Diana is impressed but it's difficult to understand what's going on Mr Jungkook and Mr taehyung head both of them kept a poker face through out interview.

Suddenly taehyung asked "why do you think you are fit to be the face our new product range name change. There are other beautiful women before you who have good experience of this line of work"

"He-_-" calm down Yoongi he is trying to provoke you calm down." Yoongi consult himself and then answer well sir every woman or man is beautiful irrespective of their size, colour but this a competition and to answer your question...

I think I fit because I'm have the spirit not to give up...even if I don't get selected I will try again I have
been struggling for 2 years but I won't lose hope"

The three of them didn't say anything.

Miss Diana broke the silence "OK Mr yoongi we will get in touch with you with in 3 days and tell you about our decision. Thanks for your time. You may go now"

With the polite smile Yoongi leave the room.

Inside the interview room.

Jungkook broke the silence "So brother what's your decision." Jungkook know his brother for the first time is really interested in a someone apart from having fun and indeed yoongi impressed him as well so he could understand his brother fascination.

"Take him" taehyung replied.

Other side....

Jimin is done with his work and was getting really late. So he wrapped up his work and leave the office.

Today jimin didn't have his car apparently it break down in middle of road. Jimin is standing at the entrance of office booking a cab.

Suddenly a black BMW appear infornt of him. The widow roll down. "Get in" Jungkook said.

"No it's okay ... I have already booked a cab" Jimin said

"Cancel it and get inside.... or I will carry you inside and trust me I will..... So you choose" Jungkook said

Jimin day by day getting annoyed by him in past life he never taken interest in him but this time he couldn't be able to understand Jungkook behaviour and situation why every time he wants to run away but it's seems like even nature wants them

Jimin sigh and get inside the passenger seat.

It's been 10 minutes and no one said anything

But the silence is comfortable between them. Suddenly jimin's phone rings.... he looks at the caller ID it's his mom....he pick up the call.


"Jimin did you get the cab or should I sent someone to get you" Seokjin said other side of phone

Jimin:- "No....mom it's alright... Mr jeon is giving the ride" *why does this sound dirty ....I look with corner of my eyes.. Jungkook lips is tilted at one side.... this guy and his pervert mind...."even yours is no less" said my conscious mind.
"shut up brain" jimin shouted at his brain.

"Oh that's good tell him to join us for dinner" mom said

"but mom he must be bus--"

"I'm not" Jungkook cut off suddenly.

"OK" Jimin said to my mom .It's not like jin were to listen even Jimin said he is busy.

They reached my home.

Jimin pov...

My dad and mom welcome Jungkook. Why does it seems like they are welcoming their son in law. *Gosh! brain stop thinking stupid stuff*

We sat for the dinner

My dad broke the silence "So Jungkook does my son giving you trouble difficult at times"

Gosh my dad is embarrassing me right now... my face flushed "Dad!!!! I'm not a kid anymore and you never asked me if my boss is giving me a hard time or not " I said to him

Dad chuckle "well boss are meant to give hard time.... then only you will learn"

"well Mr Park he is not giving me any hard time but I agree he can get difficult sometimes" Jungkook said while chuckling.

𝐑𝐞𝐛𝐨𝐫𝐧 : 𝐒𝐞𝐜𝐨𝐧𝐝 𝐥𝐢𝐟𝐞 (𝐣𝐢𝐤𝐨𝐨𝐤)Where stories live. Discover now