Chapter:- 2

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Let's continue...

Jimin pov.....

It's being two months since I have been reborn. I'm doing my daily routine. Today was another day like any other but the worst thing is I'm so late for the office. I don't know why but I feel today something bad going to happen.

Nothing is going perfectly since morning first my dress got ruin because the juice got splash that I was drinking which got splash on my dress then I got stuck in traffic.

I went to my dad officewith the papers that I need to give him. I'm his assistant.

Park enterprise....

Without knocking I went inside his office "sorry I'm late ther-"..before I could finish I saw two people sitting with dad.

Jimin wear this and his reaction also this after see someone

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Jimin wear this and his reaction also this after see someone

my dad smiled at me " ahh you arrived just in time, let me introduce to my partner and his son"

my dad smiled at me " ahh you arrived just in time, let me introduce to my partner and his son"

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Namjoon out fit ...

I look at the son, it's him ..... Jungkook

my face paled....I wasn't ready to face him. It's him.

Jungkook out fit

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Jungkook out fit

My dad introduce me " he is my son Jimin." and Jimin " he is my partner and best friend Jeon hoseok" pointing to right, then pointing towards the left "he is his elder son and current CEO of Jeon empire . He is going to work on a new project with us."

Hobi outfit

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Hobi outfit

I was intently looking at Jungkook. He is 30 years old and never dated anyone. It's been said that he doesn't do dating and even asked in interview about his dating life he replied "I'm not looking forward to dating anyone neither I don't have a time".

He is no doubt very handsome and girls or boy both fall for him but he never spare a glance to anyone, only she (Jaemin)got his attention. I was a fool that I think that he will look at me if I do what he likes.

I never became clingy unlike other person as he hate clingy person, never have I question his decision, also dressed up the way he likes, learn to cook because he like homemade food but he never glance at me.

And know In this life he will be only a stranger to me. I heard a cough and I look at my father. Then I remember what were I was doing.

I put on a polite smile and said " Sorry. I know staring is rude. It's p.l.e.a.s.u.r.e to meet you Mr Hoseok and Mr Jungkook "

Mr hoseok is giving me amusing look while Jungkook have stone face but there is a slight curve at corner of his lips is he smirk at me no no Jimin you think to much I said to myself

My dad clear his throat "So, Jimin is going to be the assistant of Jungkook as he is new and there is a lot of things to learn therefore, I and hobi decided that he will work under jungkook as his secretary for six months so that he could gain some experience and hold Park enterprise as a CEO"

what! no way I'm not going near him. I think and said "but dad I can learn under you as well .....I mean don't get me wrong I know Mr Jungkook is excellent in business field but I don't know him...

He is a stranger to me what if I do something he don't like" I give a pitiful look to my dad but my dad is not even looking at me "

It is for your own good jimin. So you will be starting from tomorrow" my dad order me

This doesn't happened in my last life why this turn of events. what's happening.... but in my previous life I never bother to join dad's office, all I was bother with was him ....argh!!!!! I was so stupid.

I still remember the first time I saw him it was the annual event of Park  enterprise in past life and he is the major investor and partner of our company. That time also was my dad who introduced me to him.

The whole event I was watching him, observing him the way he interact with business partners, other tycoons, and many person.

It was a love at first sight for me the fool I was ...I regretted loving him for 4 years but what I get from it .... it only ruined me and it was not his fault... ....

But was me to be blamed for being stupid, obsessed, not understanding that love is not selfish but letting go if it meant for you it will come back to you if not then it's never meant to be in the first place. It took me so long to realise that.

I was so deep in thought that I didn't realised that he was standing near me holding out his hand for formal hand shake again my father cough *facepalm*

"Sorry Sorry I was thinking something.... I will be on time tomorrow onwards" I said and place accepting his hand.

He tighten his hold on my hand" Mr jimin I look forward to work with you. My office 9'o clock sharp" and then he released my hand.

God knows what future holds for me.
There are many Jimin the story and I already change Jimin in past as a girl and know as h boy ....

𝐑𝐞𝐛𝐨𝐫𝐧: the second life (𝐣𝐢𝐤𝐨𝐨𝐤)✅Where stories live. Discover now