Summer Belongs to You! (Part 1)

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Jeremy blinked his eyes awake when the phone by his bed started ringing. He lifted his head with a groan as he grabbed the phone. "Hello?"

"Hey, Jeremy. It's me, Candace!"

"Hi, Candace. You realize it's, like, 2:00 a.m in Paris?" He questioned as he looked at the window of his room to see that its still dark out.

"Oops!" Candace let out a nervous chuckle. "Sorry. I was just wondering how your vacation's going."

"Actually, it's funny you called, 'cause you were in my dream just now."

"Really?" Candace's eyes widened as the sound of a large bang outside and everything shaking.

"Yah, it was weird. You and I were in this Dixieland band, and there was an iguana playing an oboe, and-"

"I gotta go, Jeremy. I'll call you later." Candace cut him off and hung up. She then quickly called her mom as she ran outside to see what the trio had made. "Mom! Can you hear me?"

"I can't hear anything because of all this construction!" Linda spoke loudly over the sound of a jackhammer.

"But, mom, they've built a giant, rope-jumping robot and it's- Phineas! Will you turn that thing off?! I'm trying to bust you!"

"We can't, it's become self aware." Phineas told her as the trio just watch the robot. "The jump-roping was his idea."

Candace grinned at the sound of a car horn and she rushed to the front yard. "Mom, mom!"

"Okay!" Linda said as she got out of the car. "I'm here. What did you want to tell me?"

"Backyard, now!"

"Excuse me?"

"Backyard now, please?"


"I jump, therefore I am." The robot spoke.

There was a chatter and Piper looked down to see the platypus walk up to them. "Oh, there you are Perry."

"Right back here, mom!" Candace yelled from indoors just as the robot jumped to high and got snagged on a passing plane and carried off. Candace got to the door with their mom. "Look! Here we are!"

Linda found the kids in the, now empty, yard. "Hi, kids. Did you have fun today?"

Phineas smiled. "Yes, yes we did."

"Good for you. I would have been home sooner but it took me an hour to drive around the road construction in the neighborhood. It sure would be helpful if they could just make the days a little longer." She chuckled and turned to go back into the house. "Who do I call about that?"

Phineas frowned in thought. "Our vacation is more than halfway over, and what have we accomplished?"

Ferb held up a book titled "Ferb's logs" and Phineas started to flip through it. "Ok, so we built a rollercoaster, we traveled through time twice. Found Atlantis, blah, blah, blah... See? We've hardly done anything! We need a real challenge. We need to create the biggest, longest, funnest summer day of all time!"

He then spun around to look at the Albino. "Piper, pack your essentials! I know what we're going to do tomorrow!"


Candace walked into her parents bedroom where the two were packing their clothes for their trip. "So, mom, while you're away, I'm in charge, right? For two whole days?"

Linda nodded. "That's right. Remember, no boys over."

"Of course, mom. Jeremy is in Paris anyway. So, when you say I'm 'in charge,' what exactly do you mean by that?"

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