Dude, We're Gettin' the Band Back Together!

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"So, you really don't know what day it is?" Linda questioned as she left the house.

Lawrence followed her. "I told you, it's Thursday!"

"It's more than just another Thursday, Lawrence."

"Then it must be... the day I realized how cute you are when you're angry?"

Linda just raised an eyebrow. The boys, who had overheard from their spot outside, just gave each other unimpressed looks at that excuse.

"I'm hoping to get my hair done. I'll be back at two. Maybe you can figure it out before i get back." Linda said and walked out of the gate just as Piper had strolled in.

"Hello, Mrs. Flynn-Fletcher!" The albino chirped as she walked by.

"Hello, sweety. The boys are in the yard."

"Thank you!" She walked up to the boy who had moved towards their father. "So, what's going on?"

Lawrence just scratched his head. "Oh, I wish I knew."

"Ahem." Candace cleared her throat to get their attention and she held up a calender. "June 15th. It's your wedding anniversary!"

"Oh! Egads! Wait, wait! I can fix this!" He panicked and ran inside.

"Gee, Candace, isn't this a lot of fuss to make over a date?" Phineas questioned.

"Are you kidding? Anniversaries are very important." She told them and started flipping through the calendar. "Take June, for example. On the third, Jeremy spoke to me for the first time back in the seventh grade. May 6th, he brushed up against me in the hall. Oh, and April 3rd, that's the day he laughed so hard, milk came out of his nose!" She laughed. "He looked so cute~"

The kids all looked at each other and just went into the house, leaving her to her swooning.

They found Lawrence digging through the garage. "Hey, dad, can we help?" Phineas asked.

"Well, I'm afraid not, unless you can perform miracles."

"What's your budget?"

Their dad didn't take him seriously though. "Tell me, boys, what would you get a special woman on her anniversary?"

"I'd take her to Dubai." Ferb answered immediately.

His brother looked at him. "Why Dubai?"

"Oh! Dubai!" Piper grinned. "There's a hotel there that has rooms under water and you can see all kinds of fish swimming past your windows! It's gorgeous! That's such a great idea!"

Phineas gave his brother a knowing look. "Oooh, I get it."

"That's... shockingly romantic of you." Candace said as she walked into the garage. She looked at her dad. "Don't you and mom have any cherished memories?"

"Oh yes! I have just the thing in here." Lawrence bent down and grabbed his toold box.

"He keeps his treasured memories in a toolbox." She muttered.

Lawrence pulled a tape from the box and handed it to them. "Your mother's favorite band. Love Händel. I bought us tickets to their farewell concert. Oh, we were a handsome, stylish couple back in those days. I never so much as held your mother's hand, but that night, I made my move. Truly that was an evening I will never, ever forget."

"But you did forget, didn't you?" Candace said and he let out a sigh.

"Love Händel broke up years ago. Some things can never be recaptured." He sadly walked out of the garage and Phineas turned to the others.

The Best Summer Ever! (Ferb x Oc)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें