Elementary, My Dear Stacy

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"So, that's what brought it to life." Piper muttered.

Perry was sat with her on her bed, telling her about the invention that Dr. Doofenshmirtz had made that turned things evil and it had managed to shoot the gelatine.

This was routine for them. Where, at the end of every week, Perry would sneek into Piper's room and tell her about the missions he's been on.

It was something they could do to hang out and just spend time together since they can't do it during the day.

"This, Doofenshmirtz guy, right? He didn't really seem like a bad guy when I met him."

'He's not bad.' Perry signed. 'He's just terribly unlucky.'

She giggled. "That's one way to put it I guess." 

They chatted away comfortably. Talking for hours and telling stories and just genuinely enjoying each other's company while they can.

'We'll be leaving for England soon.' He signed, and immediately regretted it when her smile fell.

"I know." She muttered, staring down at her hands. "It's gonna be awfully boring without your family here. I guess I've use to going over there every day."

He crawled closer to sit next to her. 'Don't worry. We'll be back in a few days.'

Piper moved him onto her lap so she could hug him. "That doesn't mean I won't miss you and the boys."

Perry hugged her back. 'If you want, we could video chat with our watches?'

She giggled. "I'd like that, yah."

"Piper? Can you come down here please?" Her grandma called from downstairs.

The two shared another hug before separating. Perry moving to sneak out of the window while Piper left her room and went downstairs.

The Albino paused when she saw her grandma standing in the living room with the Flynn-Fletcher parents. "What's going on?"

"Well," Lawrence started. "As you know, we'll be leaving for England soon and we couldn't help but notice that the boys seem to be awfully quiet despite looking forward to the trip."

"So, we came to ask Eleanor for permission to take you with us." Linda finished.

The adults watched with amusement as the small girl slowly lit up like a kid on Christmas and looked at her grandma so fast they worried for her neck.

Eleanor just chuckled. "Yes, lil' dove. You can go with them."

"Oh, thank you! Thank you! Thank you!" Piper ran forward to give her Grandma a hug before immediately spinning around to hug the Flynn-Fletchers.

"I'll help make sure you pack everything you need. Though, I'm pretty sure the boys have gotten into the habit of carrying around your spare essentials." Eleanor teased and the adults all chuckled as the Albino turned as red as her eyes.


Early morning the next day, Linda, Lawrence and Candace were loading up their luggage into the car to leave for the airport.

The boy's stepped out of the house, both glancing sadly at the Cromwell house before walking towards the cars.

Lawrence opened the passenger door for them with a knowing smile.

Phineas and Ferb looked up to climb in and froze upon seeing the Albino in the backseat, grinning at them happily.

"Piper! Are you coming with us?!" Phineas asked in excitement and she rapidly nodded.

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