Voyage to the Bottom of Buford

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"How's the view up there, Ferb?" Phineas called up to his brother who was sat at the top of the Eiffel Tower that they built out of sand at the beach.

Ferb just gave him a thumbs up.

"This is the life. The sand, the sea, the sun." He paused when he heard someone bawling their eyes out. "The crying?"

Him, Ferb and Piper followed the sound over to Buford.

"Hey. What's wrong, Buford?" The red-head asked. "Why are you crying?"

"First, let's get one thing straight. I'm not crying. I'm just sweatin' through my eyes." The bully stated. "And second... I lost Biff!" He sobbed.

"You mean your goldfish?"

"Yes. He changed my life you know." Buford said and told them the story about winning his goldfish at the carnival and beating up a local bully to protect his new friend. "After that, I became the bully, and I wasn't afraid of anything or anybody. Except, you know, maybe a giant squid, 'cause come on, those are freaky, right? All suction cuppy and beaky." Buford paused and got back on track. "Then, today... Biff and I decided to go for a swim. After a while, I couldn't hear him anymore. I got worried." Then, he started sobbing again at the thought of his lost friend.

Phineas blinked. "Wow, this is more annoying than when he was bullying us. We gotta do something to get the old Buford back."

"That means we need to help him find his goldfish, right?" Piper replied.

Buford lit up. "Really? You would do that? How about a hug?" He whimpered and made grabby hands at her. "Let Buford hug you."

Hands were suddenly on her shoulders as Ferb moved her away from the other boy.


The three of them stood on a dock and watched as a helicopter lowered their submarine into the water. "I can't believe how fast we put this together." Phineas said.

Ferb nodded. "Yes. Usually it takes us at least a montage."

Once the submarine was in the water, the kids started climbing in. First Isabella, then Baljeet, then Buford.

The bully stepped onto the sail and tried to climb through the entrance point only to get stuck. "Hey! I'm stuck! I'm stuck!" He panicked and started bawling again.

Ferb jumped up and bounced on his head to push him down through the door and into the submarine.

Phineas and Piper following in after him.

"Ready when you are captain." Isabella said to the red-head once they all got to their seats inside.

Phineas smiled. "We're ready to go! How's Buford?"

"Buford is doin' great." The bully weeped. "I just hope we'll be able to find my friend Biff."

"Don't worry. Ferb can communicate with dolphins. They'll help us find hour goldfish."

Piper looked over at the Brit. "Really? Thats so cool!"

Ferb held up a picture of the goldfish up to the window and the dolphins outside looked at it and swam off.

Buford rushed over to him and grabbed the picture. "Biff! He looks so sweet." He rolled up the picture and stuffed it into his fishless fishbowl. "How about a hug? Come on!"

Ferb just held up a hand to turn him down.

Phineas looked through the periscope. "Alright, everyone, the dolphins are leading the way! Let's follow those aquatic mammals!"

Baljeet gave him a salute. "Aye, aye, Captain."

Buford just sat in a corner, looking at the picture of his goldfish and started sobbing again. Piper honestly felt bad and walked over to hand him some tissues, then let out a started squeak when she was suddenly wrapped in a tight hug.

Ferb quickly moved over to them and pulled her out of Buford's grip, carrying her back towards Phineas.

"We've gotta find that fish... soon." The red-head stated.

"I've got something on the radar!" Baljeet announced.

"Alright, it's time for a swim!"

The brothers, along with Piper and Buford, suited up and swam with the dolphins towards where the sensors found the goldfish.

"Biff!" Buford yelled when he saw his goldfish. "Biff! Buford love Biff." The bully swam over to his fish and lifted to bowl up so Biff was inside it. "There you go, little buddy. You're all safe now."

They grabbed onto the dolphins and swam back to the submarine.

With the submarine now above water, they were able to stand on top of it. "I got my Biff back. Thank you, guys." Buford said honestly. "How about a hug?" Ferb quickly shifted to stand in front of Piper.

Phineas held up a hand. "Maybe later."

"I'm so happy, I could cry!" He said and started crying again.

"I wish we'd get our Buford back."

Buford was about to climb back into the submarine when he heard Phineas call him. Turning around, he saw a giant squid hold the other three in it's tentacles. The bully screamed and quickly went inside the sub.

The tentacles reached into the sub, snatching up Isabella and Baljeet before grabbing Buford's fishbowl right out of his hands.

The squid look at the goldfish and opened its mouth the eat it.

"Hey, squid!" Buford was now stood on the sail. He jumped down and stomped towards it. "Drop the goldfish. You and me are gonna dance."

The squid put the goldfish back into the bowl and put the bowl down. It then leaned threateningly towards Buford who just reared back and punched it in the face.

It staggered back in shock before falling back into the water. The kids all falling onto the sub.

"So... I guess that's that." Phineas muttered, standing back up.

"Well, it's a good day for Buford." Said Piper as she helped Ferb back up. "He got Biff back and I don't think he's afraid of squids anymore."

Buford glared at them. "Alright, there's nothin' to see here. Everybody back inside."

They all climbed back inside the sub and Phineas turned to the bully. "Hey, Buford, you were really brave out there."

Buford grabbed the front of his swim suit and held him up to his face. "What's that suppose to mean? You think I was a wimp before?"

"N-not really." Baljeet stammered out. "But, you were a lot more sensitive."

They all looked at him in shock while Buford stomped towards him. "What did you say?!" He immediately grabbed onto the Indian boy and gave him a wet willy.

Phineas grinned. "Yah... Buford is back."

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