Oh, There You Are, Perry

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Piper was woken up early one morning by a tapping on her window. She blinked the sleep out of her eyes and sat up to listen.

Hearing the tapping again, she got up and walked over to window and pulled back the curtain. "Perry?" She mumbled when she saw the platypus. Piper opened the window and he climbed in. "What's going on? Why are you here so early?"

Perry looked sadly at the ground and signed, 'I'm being relocated.'

"What?!" She dropped to her knees to be more at eye level with him. "Why?! Did your boss find out about me? Oh, it's all my fault, isn't it?"

Perry shook his head. 'No, no. It's not you. They're assigning me to a different villain who's in the Quad-State Area.'

"So... we're not gonna see you anymore? What about the boys? They'll be devistated!"

Perry just looked sad and stepped forward to hug her.

Piper sniffed and pulled away as she tried to fight down her own tears. She looked down at her watch and took it off to hand it to him. "I guess you'll be wanting this back then?"

Perry stared at it for a moment before shaking his head. He took the watched and put it back on her wrist. 'Keep it. For emergencies.' He signed with a small smile. 'And so we can keep in touch.'

Perry smiled back and nodded. She then took his fedora off to place a kiss on his head. "Goodbye, Perry. I'll miss you."


Piper went out to her backyard and walked up to the gate the boys had recently put in that connected her yard to theirs'. She paused for a moment to take a deep breath before opening the gate.

"Piper! You're just in time!" Phineas said happily when he saw her. Him and Ferb were sat under their tree with speakers all around them. "We were just about to call Perry!"

"Call Perry?" She question, acting clueless as she made her way over to them.

"Yah! Perry's gone missing, so we made the the Plat-Attractor 3000! If Perry's anywhere in Danville, this'll bring him home."

"Missing?" Piper's voice broke a bit when she spoke. Perry coming to say goodbye happened just a few minutes ago so she was still emotional about it.

"Don't worry. We'll find him." Phineas reassured her. Misunderstanding her upset mood. "Hit it Ferb!"

Ferb hit 'play' on his laptop and the speakers played the sound of Perry's chatters. Suddenly, the yard was full of platypuses.

Phineas stared in surprise at them all. "Wow, I didn't know there were so many platypuses in Danville."


Doofenshmirtz drove all the way to a rundown motel in the middle of nowhere and walked in to talk to the guy behind the check-in counter. "Uh, yah, hi. I'm looking for someone named Mr. The Regurgitator?"

The guy ring the bell next to him and the whole desk and wall moved to reveal a secret elevator.

Doofenshmirtz stepped inside and took the elevator down until he reached a room underground. He walked up to the desk in the center of the room and saw a button that said 'Do not push' around it.

He hummed and glanced around before pushing the button. The floor beneath him opened and fell down a tube into the actual lair of the villain. He groaned when he the ground with a thud. "Oh, my Heinz heinie." He stood up to dust himself off. "Look at this. All this technology, a giant vacuum tube, and they can't afford a throw pillow?" He looked up and saw the man he was looking for at the other end of the room. "Oh, hello."

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