Out to Launch

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(I did not draw the background of the picture above. So that bit isn't mine.)

(Also, you guys don't need to keep telling me to write more. This story isn't stopping anytime soon.)

"It's another gorgeous summer day here in the Tri-State Area." Said the guy on the radio as the boys leaned against the tree to listen to it. Piper was sat nearby, pampering Perry who absolutely loving the scratches. "Ladies, have you asked a date to the Night of the Falling Stars Girls' Choice Dance yet? It seems Danville's gone star crazy waiting for the meteor shower tonight."

"A meteor shower? How cool is that?" Phineas exclaimed. "Just think, somewhere out in space, there's a bunch of asteroids headed right for Earth."

"Hey, what's that dance they were talking about?" Piper asked.

"The Night of the Falling Stars Girls' Choice Dance? It's basically the girls asking the people they like to go to this outdoor dance and watch the meteor shower together." The red-head explained.

"Really? That's sounds fun!"

"Hey, boys!" Lawrence called as he went out I to the backyard. "Oh, there you are. Here, look what I got for you online." He handed them a star certificate.

Phineas grinned. "Oh, cool! You named a star after us!"

"You're now the owners of a little piece of the universe!"

"Did you get one for Candace too?"

"Well, I did. Yes, of course. Although she doesn't really care about this stuff. Anyway, they're practically giving them away online. It's even more exciting than the Oklahoma Land Rush of 1889!"

"Ah, those corny history references made me fall for him in the first place." Linda chuckled as she made her way over. "Vivian and I are off to her Mah-Jong tournament. Have fun today, kids!" She waved goodbye and left.

Lawrence waved back and turned to the kids again. "Well, what am I doing standing here when I could be out buying more stars? Would you like one, Piper?"

Piper suddenly lit up like a kid on Christmas. "Yes, please! Thank you, Mr. Fletcher!"

"Oh, no thanks is necessary, dear." He chuckled walked back into the house.

Phineas turned to his brother. "Hey, Ferb, now that we own a star, we should go check it out! And how cool is space travel? The G-forces, eating dinner out of a tube, going to the bathroom without going to the bathroom. Not to mention the weightlessness. Ferb, I know what we're going to do today!"

Piper was practically vibrating in excitement. "First Mars and now space travel. This is amazing!"

🎶 Let's take a rocket ship to space.
I hear it's a real swinging place.
There isn't much air, or gravity there.
The stars will make your heart race.

Let's take a rocket,
Let's take a rocket,
Let's take a rocket ship to space.

Let's take a saucer to the stars.
Look out moon, move over Mars.
The Martians all rock
To Bassie and Bach.
So bring your maracas and your jazz guitars.
Let's take a saucer to the stars.

Let's take a rocket,
A crazy kind of rocket,
Let's take a rocket ship to space. 🎶

"And this is Mission Control." Phineas led the Fireside Girls over to the small shed.

"Kinda small." Said Isabella.

"Oh, it looks small on the outside, but Ferb really knows how to maximize space." He opened the door to reveal the much larger room withing. Full of all kinds of computers and tech.

The Best Summer Ever! (Ferb x Oc)Where stories live. Discover now