Unfair Science Fair

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"What should we do today?" Phineas wondered as he looked at his laptop. "Build an underwater skate park? Sounds pretty wicked. Fly with rocket-powered bat wings? Awesome. Teach Perry tricks." The boy's both looked at their pet. "He's just a platypus. He doesn't do much."

"Hi Isabella!" Piper greeted the ravenette who walked over to them.

"Hey, Piper. You three might wanna go check up on Baljeet." She told them. "I was walking by his house and heard him scream, 'Aieee! I'm doomed to be an incompetent funky forever! Ever, ever, ever...' I added the echo part."

The other three all stood up. "Sounds pretty serious." Phineas said and they immediately left to head to the Indian boy's house.

"Baljeet? It's Phineas, Ferb and Piper!" The red-head called out as they walked I to the house. Phineas opened the door to Baljeet's darkened bedroom. "Why are all the lights off?"

"Darkness is a shroud that hides my shame." Baljeet muttered.

Piper flipped the lights on and walked over to the boy who was just moping on the floor. "Hey, Jeet. What's wrong?"

"Because of the 17 summer-school classes I am taking, I qualified for the science fair."

The albino blinked. '17?!'

"So I decided to design this." He handed them the blueprints he made.

Phineas grinned as they looked at it. "A portal to Mars? Cool!"

"No! Not cool! When I showed my teacher, he said that unless I can build a working model, the best he could give me is an A-minus! An A-minus! That would be the worst grade of my life!"

Piper frowned. "Well, why don't you just build one?"

"I am not mechanically inclined like you three are."

Piper was surprised again. 'Three? Me as well?'

"To truly understand my predicament, I feel it would be best expressed in a song."

🎶 Baljeet: From the mountains of the Himalayas,
To the valleys of Kashmir.
My forefathers and their four fathers
knew one thing very clear:
That to be a great success in life,
you have to make the grade.
But if I cannot build a prototype,
my dreams will be puréed!

All: Puréed! Puréed!

Phineas: I know what we are going to do today!
The two and I are on the case!
We'll help you build your prototype,
You won't be a disgrace!

Baljeet: Good! With your mechanical inclinations,
and my scientific expertise,
we are a team that can not be beaten--

Phineas: Wait, something just occurred to me,
Where's Perrrrry?
Where's Perrrrry? 🎶

"Did you have him when you came over?" Baljeet asked.

Deciding that they most likely left Perry at home, the three of them got to work on building the portal while Baljeet helped wherever he could. Since the blueprints were already drawn out, they managed to build it pretty quickly.

Phineas smiled as they looked at their complete portal. "You're all set for the science fair tomorrow!"

"Inside, I am thanking you a thousand times, even though on the outside, I remain quite frugal." Baljeet said.

"What are you guys up to?" Candace asked as she suddenly walked I to the room. She had seen the boys' bike out in the front lawn and decided to investigate.

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