The Lake Nose Monster

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"Piper, wake up! We're here!" Phineas exclaimed.

Piper's eyes blinked open and looked around in confusion. Finding herself in the Flynn-Fletcher car with their family as they drove to Lake Nose. It took a moment for her brain to catch up and she quickly turned red when she realized she had slept on Ferb's shoulder.

The Brit didn't seem to mind at all, but that didn't make her feel any less embarrassed about it.

The parents up front looked at them in the rear view mirror and chuckled to themselves.

"This is just what I needed." Linda said, changing the subject to give the poor Ablino a break. "A nice, relaxing family getaway."

"Such beauty, such tranquility. A fisherman's paradise." Lawrence added. "Yes, of all the lakes in the world, I'm glad we picked the Nose."

The kids in the back all laughed.

"Thank you for inviting me along despite it being a family trip." Piper piped in.

Linda looked at her through the mirror and smiled. "You are a part of this family, dear. Heck, you're over at our house practically every day."

The Albino grinned happily. "Still, thank you."

Candace excitedly looked out the window at the lake. "I still can't believe I get to be on the Lake Nose lifeguard squad with Jeremy. The lifeguards at Lake Nose are considered the coolest of the cool. All the other kids look up to them and have to do whatever they say."

"Or they'll get eaten." Phineas added.

"Exactly. I- wait, what?"

Phineas looked at the booklet he was reading. "Well, it says here, 'many believe these murky waters are home to Nosey, the ferocious Lake Nose Monster'."

Candace laughed. "Nosey? Yah, I'm so sure." She rolled her eyes. "There is no such thing as a Lake Nose Monster. Right, dad?"

"Well, Candace, there's no such thing as lots of things, and there's such a thing as many other things." Lawrence rambled. "Is Nosey such a thing? Well, you see, that's the thing, isn't it?"

"Dad, is this one of those cultural things again? Because I'm not sure they'd even know what the heck you're talking about in England."


Once they reached the cabin they were staying in, Candace and the parents started to unload their luggage while the kids looked at the booklet that Phineas had.

"Oh. It's possible that Bosey has survived because Lake Nose is unusually rich in zinc, a common metal used in everything from sunblock to pennies." Phineas read aloud. "Cool!"

"Oh, of course." Candace huffed. "Nosey the vicious zinc-eating dinosaur. Now it makes perfect sense. Thank you, crazy people I live with."

"It doesn't say 'eats it'. He probably just absorbs it through his skin. Ooh, look. They have pictures of him." The red-turned turn the booklet around to show her.

Candace looked at all the pictures. "Elephant. Log. Dolphin. Driftwood. Tire. Driftwood. Rhesus monkey wearing a powdered wig. Driftwood. Driftwood. You aren't old enough to what that is. Driftwood. Driftwood... it's usually driftwood. So don't go humiliating me by, I don't know, building some boat to find the Lake Nose Monster or something." She warned and walked off.

"Building a boat..." Piper muttered.

" find the Lake Nose Monster." Phineas finished.

The two looked at each other before grinning and turning to Ferb. "Ferb, are you not saying what we're thinking?" Phineas asked with a smirk and the Brit just blinked.

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