Picture This

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Lawrence opened the door to the garage to check inside. "Hello, kids. I thought I heard a noise out here."

"Oh, hey, Dad." Phineas greeted him.

Piper crawled across the cabinets to wave at him. "Hi Mr. Flynn-Fletcher!"

Lawrence finally looked around and saw the whole place was, literally, flipped upside-down. "Say, there is something pretty peculiar going on here. Now, don't tell me. You've turned the entire garage upside-down. Now, why on earth would you do that?"

"We're searching for Ferb's favorite Skateboard." Piper told him.

"Dear," Lawrence called into the house. "Are you aware the kids have turned the garage upside-down looking for Ferb's Skateboard?"

"As long as they clean up after!" Linda yelled back.

"Oh, righto." He then blinked in realization and turned to the kids. "Just a minute. Does that skateboard have a Union Jack on the bottom?"

Phineas nodded. "That's the one!"

"Turn the thing right-side up and come in the house. I believe I've solved your mystery."

Phineas looked down. "You heard him, Ferb. Let's turn it over."

The entire garage flipped back over and the kids went inside. They followed Lawrence up to where the computer was.

"So, what have you got, pop?" Phineas asked.

"Take a gander at what a certain old geezer posted on his blog." He pulled up a picture of the old Fletcher riding Ferb's skateboard.

Piper giggled at it. "Hey, it's Grandpa!"

"Ferb, you must have left your skateboard in England the last time we were there." Phineas laughed. "I know! We could create a highly intricate and sophisticated machine that will transport any object from enywhere on the globe to our backyard!"

"Well, why don't you just build a new skateboard?" Lawrence offered.

The kids stared at him in silence for a moment until Piper spoke "Nnnah, I don't think so."

"If it's all the same with you, Father, we're going to build the machine." Ferb said.


Candace looked up from her magazine and saw her mom in a bright yellow and pink dress. "Woah, mom, what's with the getup?"

"I'm on my way to join Vivian Garcia-Shapiro at the Mexican-Jewish Cultural Fair today." Linda told her. "Would you like to come along?"

"Let me think. Um, no."

Linda shrugged and walked away. "Oh, well, suit yourself, bubelita.


Outside, the trio had already built the machine was going to give it a trial run when Buford walked over with an apple on his head.

"Check it out, dweebs." Buford taunted them. "Bet you can't shoot this apple off my head."

Ferb walked over with a camera and snapped a picture of it.

Buford looked at the picture. "Hm, not really what i meant, but okay."

Ferb put the picture into the machine and typed on the keyboard. The largevdish at the top pointed at Buford fired a ray hip. It then zapped the apple away, along with some of his hair and the apple and the hair appeared on the platform.

Perry walked passed and ate the apple before leaving.

Piper grinned. "It worked! Now let's try it on something more complex."

The Best Summer Ever! (Ferb x Oc)Where stories live. Discover now