Flop Starz

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"Sorry I'm over a bit earlier." Piper said as Linda led her into the kitchen where the boys were. "But Grandma found some of you mail mixed in with ours so I figured I should just come over now to give it to you."

"Well, thank you very much." Linda said placed the mail on the kitchen counter. "And there's no need to apologize. You're always welcome here."

"Hi Piper! You're just in time!" Phineas said excitedly when the boys looked up and saw her. "I know what we're gonna do today!"


"A one-hit wonder?" Piper questioned as she looked at the checklist Phineas had made.

[  ]  Hit record.
[  ]  Diva tantrum.
[  ]  Elevator music.
[  ]  Reunion tour.

The three of them had moved to the boys' bedroom to write the music.

"Well, writing a song sounded fun but we didn't want to get stuck with the job." Phineas explained as he worked on writing lyrics. "So, mom said that what we wanted was a one-hit wonder."

Piper leaned over to look at what lyrics he was writing. "Chika, chika, choo, wah?"

"Meaningless lyrics done." The boy stated and looked up at his brother who sat at the computer. "How's the catchy tune coming along?"

Ferb pressed a button on the computer's keyboard and it play a piano note.

Phineas grinned. "Excellent. We'll be done by lunch!"

Piper chuckled.


"A-Are you boys sure that you want to do this?" Piper nervously asked as she peaked through the curtains of the stage at the large crowd.

"There's no need to worry, Piper!" Phineas walked up to her and put a hand on her shoulder. "All you have to do is sing the lyrics with the Fireside Girls."

"I'm not worried about that. It's just..."

"You're fine." Ferb interrupted, making the two look at him. "There's nothing wrong with how you look."

Piper looked between the two brothers and took a deep breath. "Okay. I can do this."

"That's the spirit!" Phineas cheered.

"Ladies and Gentlemen, this young lady has the honor of singing on stage with PFT." They heard the announcer and everyone moved to get into position. "So now, the band you've all been waiting for... Phineas and the Ferb-Tones!"

The curtains opened to reveal the band and the crowd went wild.

"Phineas?" Candace said in shock from where she was standing near the microphone.

"Candace? You're the hundredth contestant?" Phineas said with smile as he walked up to her. "How serendipitous. This'll be like a brother and sister thing! Now, I'm assuming you've heard our single. I mean, who hasn't right? It's a big hit." He handed her a sheet of paper. "So here's the words, but don't worry if you get lost, the lyrics are meaningless anyway. I'll point when it's your turn!"

He walked back over to the group and spoke into his microphone. "Ladies and gentlemen, the Ferbettes!" He introduced, Piper and the Fireside Girls. "I'm Phineas and this is Ferb, and we're gonna sing a song."

🎶 Bow, Chicka, Bow-Wow!

That's what my baby says!


And my heart starts pumping!

Chicka-Chicka, Choo Wap!

Never gonna stop!

The Best Summer Ever! (Ferb x Oc)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora