Greece Lightning

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"I can't believe you guys dragged me all the way here for this." Candace said when the family took another trip to the museum. She sighed and looked at the statues. "Well, at least there's hunky guys in skirts."

"Kids, come and look at this!" Lawrence called them over. "This is an actual replica of an artist's interpretation of what some random guy of no significance believed that the chariot of Asparagus might have looked like." He then walked over to a painting that was next to the chariot. "And this is Asparagus, the greatest warrior in all of Greece. With his golden chariot, he would win every race." He moved to another painting. "And here he is defeating the Minotaur, a creature that's half-man, half-bull. Asparagus defeated him using the head of Medusa."

"Is this Medusa?" Piper questioned as she pointed up at a statue of a woman with snakes on her head.

"That right!" Lawrence patted her head. "She was a creature so ugly, she could turn people to stone with just one look."

"Kinda reminds me of Candace!" Said Phineas.

Candace glared at him. "It does not look like me!"

Phineas just turned to his brother and Piper. "I know what we're gonna do today! We're gonna have our own chariot race like- hey," He paused. "Where's Perry?"


"Okay, the race will start here at home, and through the streets of Danville, and over to the park. From there we make our way past Paul Bunyan's Pancake House, and finish at the steps of the museum." Phineas explained as he pointed around at a miniature model of city in their driveway.

Lawrence walked over wearing a Greek helmet and carrying old movie tapes. "Hey, kids, watcha doin'?"

Piper grinned. "We're mapping out our route for the big chariot race we're gonna have!"

"Oh, excellent. Well it's good to see you taking an interest in Greek mythology. I'm doing the same." He said and patted the tapes he was holding. "I've got over 12 hours of gladiator movies here I wanna watch."

Isabella chose that moment to walked over. "Nice hat, Mr. Flynn."

"Thank you, Isabella. It's my movie-watching hat!" He said and walked off.

Phineas grinned at the girl. "Isabella, we're gonna have the greatest race in history, complete with helmets and armor, and super-cool chariots with horses! Spread the word! Spread the word!"

Isabella turned to run off be paused and ran back. "Wait! At what time?"

"In about an hour or so."

"Where's it gonna be?"


"Who am I telling again?"

"Just spread the word!"

"Oh, tell them to bring gladiator gear!" Piper yelled as the ravenette ran off.


While Isabella was off telling people about the race, the boy's and Piper had gotten to work building the chariots along with the starting line.

They set up make-shift pillars around the yard and got everything ready just as people were starting to show up.

"Okay, we're all set. Let's meet our racers." Phineas started. "In the first chariots is me, Ferb and Piper. Then we got Isabella and the Fireside Girls, Buford and Baljeet, and we have one for Candace, too, if she ever shows up."

"Here are the maps for everyone!" Piper announced and passed out a paper to each team. "The first chariot to reach the museum wins! Any questions?"

"Um, yes." Baljeet nervously spoke up. "Should we not establish the rules first?"

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