Hide and Seek

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The boys, Piper, and all their friends were stuck inside the house as it rained outside. The sky cloudy and gray. "Phineas, Ferb?" Linda called for them and found them all in the living room. She was wearing her raincoat and had her umbrella with her. "I'll be over at Vivian's house for a few hours. You kids have fun!" She told them and turn to leave.

"What kind of fun can we have when it's raining?" Buford asked once she was gone.

"We could talk about our feelings." Isabella offered.

Everyone stared at her for a moment until Buford spoke up again. "Okay, I'll rephrase it. What kind of fun can we have when it's raining?"

Baljeet smiled. "I would not mind talking about my feelings."

Buford immediately punched him in the shoulder. "How do you feel now?"

"In pain." He winced.

"There, we're done. I guess that was fun!"

"How about a game of hide-and-seek?" Someone spoke up.

"Who said that?" Piper asked when she didn't recognize the voice.

"I did!" Admitted a ginger boy on the couch that had big pink glasses.

"U-um... who are you?"

The boy got up from the couch and walked over to her and the Flynn-Fletcher boys. "Allow me to introduce myself. I'm Irving. I'm your biggest fan!"

"How long have you been sitting there?" Phineas asked.

"A couple hours. My horoscope says I'm a background type. Check it out." He held up a thick book with the letters 'P,F,P' on the cover. "I've kept a scrapbook of your adventures." He opened it up to show them the pictures. "This is the time you built that roller-coaster. And this is the time you built those chariots. And this is when you had that soup."

Baljeet huffed a laugh. "What a nerd."

Piper pointed at a bit of green hair taped to one of the pages. "Is... is that a lock of Ferb's hair?"

"Don't touch it." Irving practically hissed as he shut the book and pulled it away from her.

Piper quickly pulled away from him and shifted back to stand next to the Brit.

"Well, Irving suggested hide-and-seek." Phineas said.

"Isn't the house a little small to play a good game of hide-and-seek?" Buford asked.

Ferb blinked. "Perhaps the problem is not that the house is too small, but that we are too big."

Piper and Phineas grinned at each other.

"You kids hang tight while Ferb, Piper and I use the technology from our submarine adventure to make a new shrinking machine." Phineas told them and turned to his brother and the Albino. "Squad, I know what we're gonna do today!"

Irving suddenly let out a squeal and everyone looked at him. "You said the words. Hey, can I say the Perry thing?"


"You know. When you say, 'Where's Perry'?"


"Where's Perry?" He said before quickly interrupting himself. "Ah, wait, wait. I can do better. Where's Perry? Where is Perry? Wherefore art thou Perry? I wonder where that Perry went? Oh, where is that platypus? Where da P-man at?"

Everyone just slowly backed away from him.


"Here it is!" Phineas called out as him, Ferb and Piper ran out of the garage and into the living room, carrying a small metal box with an antenna that a red ball on the top. "A shrinking machine! Now, everybody touch the top of the machine."

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