Phineas and Ferb's Quantum Boogaloo

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Ferb tightened some bolts on the metal construction, that kind of looked like a funnel, before giving Phineas a thumbs up.

Phineas grinned. "Okay. Well, we've finished the superstructure, but what we really need now is a tool that will fuse wood and metal at a molecular level."

"Technology like that is 20 years away. You would need a time machine." Baljeet told him. "Luckily, I have been working on a design. I have not figured out all the quantum physics yet, but if you give me a couple of days-"

"Oh, that's okay, Jeet." Piper cut him off. "We can just use the one at the museum."

They fell quiet as Baljeet stared at them. "There is a time machine at the museum?"

Phineas nodded. "Yah, we took it to the Mesozoic era."

"You got to hang out with dinosaurs?"

"Yah, earlier this summer." Said the red-head and Ferb held up pictures of them with the dinosaurs.

Baljeet huffed. "Well, thank you for inviting me." He sassed and walked off.

Phineas just shrugged and turned to Ferb and Piper. "Squad, I know what we're gonna do today! Or I should say... I know what we're going to do 20 years from today."

Piper cheered in excitement and the trio shared a high-five.

"Hey, guys!" Isabella greeted them as she entered the yard. "Whatcha doin'?"

"We're time traveling!" Piper exclaimed and ran over to her to grab her arm. "You wanna come?"

The ravenette grinned. "Of course!"


The group went all the way to the museum and found the time machine. They all climbed in and Phineas grabbed the lever.

"20 years forward and away we go." He said before pulling the lever and they disappeared in a purple vortex.

The reappeared in, seemingly, the same spot they left and the trio hopped out while.

"Here we are, 20 years in the future." Phineas said and turned to the ravenette who was just starting to climb out. "Isabella wait. You're the only one we can trust to watch the machine." He told and turned to follow after his brother and Piper who had already walked away.

"He trusts me." Isabella swooned and accidentally leaned on the lever, causing her and the time machine to dissappear.


The trio stepped outside and looked around at all the new building and futuristic cars.

"Hey, I see the museum finally added that new wing!" Phineas said as he point Ed up at the giant statue of a wing on the roof of the museum. "And would look how Danville's changed?"

"Mobile homes, flying cars, jet packs." Piper pointed out in excitement as she saw them.

"Hey, look at that!" Phineas pointed down the street at house that a familiar woman was walking into with groceries. "That looks like... it is! It's Candace, 20 years older! I almost didn't recognize her, she looks so relaxed."

"And those must be her kids in the yard." Piper said when she saw a teenager and two younger boys under a tree. "Come on! Let's go say hi!"

Phineas and Ferb hurried to follow the Albino as she ran over to the house. The gate of the fence opened upward and let them in.

"Hi, guys. Whatcha doing?" Phineas greeted the kids as they walked in.

"I'm sitting under this digital tree." Said the blonde.

The Best Summer Ever! (Ferb x Oc)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora