Jerk De Soleil

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"We're going to the Circus! We're going to the circus!" Baljeet chanted as he ran up the steps to the Flynn-Fletcher house and ran inside.

The kids were already gathered at the kitchen table, eating cereal before they go.

"I'm here!" Baljeet announced. "And ready to go to the world famous Cirque de Lune!"

"Have a seat. We're going in a minute." Phineas said.

Baljeet hopped onto a chair and fidgeted with excitement.

"Well, hold your horses, kids!" Lawrence walked in with a newspaper. "It says here that the lead of Cirque de Lune has a severe allergy. They're canceling today's performance."

Isabella frowned. "Well, that's a bummer."

"If it's anything like Candace's parsnip allergy then I don't blame them for not wanting to appear in public." Linda said.

Piper curiously looked at the brothers.

"She gets blotchy, red, wielding voice tthingy. Not good." Phineas explained to her and Ferb nodded.

Linda looked at her husband. "Well, honey, looks like that frees you up to join me at the mall. Our trio is recording our first album today 'Live at the Squat & Stitch'."

Lawrence smiled. "Should be swingin'."

Linda walked over to her boys and gave them a hug. "Cheer up, guys. I'm sure you'll have a fun day anyway." She then pulled away and started to leave. "By kids! Be good! Have fun!"

"By Mrs. Flynn-Fletcher!" Piper called out while waving goodbye.

Isabella sighed and looked at the newspaper. "It must be so cool to be in the circus."

"Yah." Phineas drawled and sadly pushed his cereal around with his spoon.

Piper's eyes suddenly widened and she grinned. "Phineas! Ferb!" She nearly shouted, jumping up from her seat and running to stand between them so she could excitedly shake their shoulders. "Why don't we put up our own cirque?!"

Phineas grinned back and jumped up. "That's a great idea! You and Ferb can set up the tent. I'll be the ringmaster."

"We can sew up some arty costumes!" Isabella added.

"Hey, for a trick, i can put my leg over my head!" Django said and tried to do it but the chair fell back and hit the floor. "Ow... I'll work on it."

Phineas looked back at the platypus who was eating. "Even Perry can have an act! The amazing Perry!"

"I have a mystical, magical act I would like to perform." Baljeet added and did the trick where he pretended to remove his thumb. "It's stupefying."

Buford smirked. "I have another act. It'll bring the house down!"

"Ferb, come on! Let's get the tools!" Piper exclaimed and pulled the silent boy away.

The kids all cheered and ran off to get to work.


The tent was quickly set up and some other kids were helping to put up speakers while Piper and Ferb got the audience seats ready.

"This looked great!" Phineas said as he walked over to them. "Hey, have either of you seen Perry? I put on his costume."

"Hey, twerp!" They heard Buford outside. "I brought the props for my act!"

Phineas stepped outside to see what he had. "Buford, what exactly is your act?"

"I fly into mud with a paper bag on my head."

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