The Flying Fishmonger

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Piper was pulled from her room by and rapid knocking on the front door. She went downstairs to answer it and revealed Ferb standing outside. "Hi Ferb! What up- whoa!" She yelped when Ferb suddenly grabbed her hand and started to pull her out of the house. "W-wait a sec!" She stopped him and looked back. "Grandma! I'm going next door!"

"Okay! Have fun!" Came the immediate response.

Ferb was in such a rush to get her over to his house that she almost forgot to close the door behind her.


It turns out that their grandparents on Ferb's side of the family were visiting from England and Ferb really wanted her to meet them.

"Oh, look how cute you are!" Grandma Winifred cooed as she squished Piper's cheeks.

"I-It's nice to meet you." Piper stuttered out. Blushing in embarrassment from all the attention.

"Such a polite girl. I like you already." Winifred stated and turned to Ferb. "You better hold onto her."

The kids turned red. Both trying to stammer out that it's not like that but neither can form a coherent sentence.

"That, ladies and gents, is how I defeated the wild tigers in the Amazon." Grandpa Reginald finished telling a story to the family while everything else was going on.

Phineas grinned. "Awesome story, Grandpa Reg."

"Well, I'm sure you're going to hear ple ty more fantastical stories during Gran and Gramps' visit." Said Lawrence.

Linda turned to her husband. "You know, hon, I was thinking we could all head to the mall."

"What a splendid idea!" Winifred agreed. "I'd love to treat Candace and my new grandaughter to some new clothes."

Piper went red again while Candace rushed to the car.

"Hey, mom. Could we just stay home and hear some more of Grandpa's cool stories?" Phineas asked.

Linda nodded. "Sounds good to me."

"Wonderful. We'll see you kids later." Lawrence said and the two walked out.

"Oh, fine." Winifred sighed and looked at the Albino. "But I'm still gonna dress you up. So wait for me to get back."

Piper quickly nodded and the older lady left the house.

Reginald turned to Ferb. "My boy, what's this behind your ear?" He ask and reached up and pulled out an entire book from out of nowhere. "It's me scrapbook!"

"How'd you do that?" Both Phineas and Piper asked.

"Just a little bit of 'How's your father'. I may seem like a barmy ol' git now, but when I wasn't so long in the tooth, I had some grand larks and engaged in a fair amount of derring-do."

Phineas and Piper both looked at Ferb. "Translate?"

"When he was younger, he did a bunch of stuff."

"Here I am as a young lad." Reginald started as he opened up the book. "I made my livin' work at the family Fish and Chips shop. But I was destined for bigger things." He flipped the page to sho pictures of him with a motorcycle. "I was known as The Great Flying Fishmonger. Here's my first jump over my dear mum's tea society. Me jumpin' a whale, a tone of crumpets, the Queen mum. But there was one jump that haunts me to this day."

He showed them a photo of a canyon. "McGregor's Gorge of Doom. People turned out by the thousands! To witness me and my trusty motorbike, the Holy Mackerel, make our biggest jump yet. The event was so massive, I hired a local band to write me a theme song. Then, all of a sudden, it started to rain. I'd have to postpone my great feat. A second go at it weeks later had the same result. And yet another attempt, nothing but blasted rain again!"

The Best Summer Ever! (Ferb x Oc)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon