Phineas and Ferb Hawaii Vacation (Part 1)

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"Ladies and Gentlemen, we'll be touching down in Hawaii momentarily, but remember, 'Aloha' means hello and goodbye. Try not to get the two confused." Said the pilot through the intercom as the plane got closer to the island.

"It's so pretty!" Piper said as her and the boys all squished together to looked out the window. "What are we going to do first?"

"Dont know! But we're definitely going to try a bit of everything." Phineas said.

Piper dug through her bag and pulled out her sunscreen so she could reapply it, just in case. She was wearing a sundress, which was pretty light and flowy, so she didn't want to take any chances.

She rubbed it on her arms, legs, and collarbone before handing it to Ferb so he could get her shoulders.

Ferb put some on his hand and passed the tube to his brother.

"You know, we should really make you a stronger sunscreen so you won't have to worry about reapplying it." Phineas said as he put a bit on his hand. "Look at me so I can get your face."

Linda and Eleanor glanced back at the kids and chuckled as the boys practically coated her in the stuff. That girl will never have to worry about the sun again.

They finally landed and everyone grabbed their bags and got of the plane. They grabbed the rest of their luggage inside the airport before getting a ride to their hotel.

"Aloha!" Greeted some ladies at the front of the hotel.

"Aloha!" The family greeted back.

"I do hope that was hello." Lawrence said.

Phineas grinned. "Wow. I always wanted to vacation this close to a volcanic hot spot. Do you two smell what I smell?"

Ferb sniffed the air. "Mmm-mmm. Magma."

"You're father and I are looking foward to the Annual Couples' Surfing Contest." Linda told them

Lawrence smiled. "Oh, I can't wait to wipe out."

Piper giggled. "Mr. Fletcher, 'wipe out' means falling of the board!"

"Yes, I know."

"Well, there's only one thing I'm saying 'hello-ha' to, relaxing!" Candace spoke up. "And taking a break from trying to bust Phineas and Ferb." She noticed all their stares and put her hands on her hips. "What? It's hard work!"


"Come on, kids. Let's check out the gift shop while Linda and Lawrence checks us in." Eleanor said and they left their luggage at the front desk while head into the gift shop.

"Well, I'm a little rusty on my Hawaiian, but here it goes." Lawrence said and walked up to the guy behind the front desk... and then spoke in Spanish. "Good morning, Mister, my name is Lawrence."

"Oh, no, no. That's not necessary. We speak English here." The guy told him. "Hawaii is part of the United States."

Lawrence blinked. "Is it really?"

"Dear." Linda chuckled and looked at the man. "We're the Flynn-Fletcher family. Three adults, four children, and our pet platypus, Perry."

"Excellent! Why don't you join your family, while I get the bellhop to attend to your bags?"

"Wonderful. Thank you." Linda and Lawrence then left into the gift shop.

The guy picked up the phone and pressed a button to immediately call a specific phone. "Help desk? Can we get a bell person to pick up a family's bags and platypus? Oh, hey..." He looked down to see that the pet carrier's gate was open and the platypus was gone. "Where's Perry?"

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