Toy to the World

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This isn't exactly what Piper expected her day to go when she told her grandma that she wanted to walk around the neighborhood.

The albino had walked by a house that was getting it's bricks stolen by a large machine and she ended up getting mixed up in it.

Dr. Doofenshmirtz only wanted to steal bricks. So, it was certainly a surprise when a little white-haired girl came tumbling out of the machine when it had dumped out the bricks it had taken.

Not really sure what to do, since he wasn't planning on taking a hostage, he just put her in a big cage. But he made sure to stuff it full of blankets and pillows so she was comfortable. She was just so small, after all.

"So, why would a pharmacist want all these bricks for?" Piper asked as she watched him move the piles of bricks into trucks.

Doofenshmirtz looked at her. "What? I'm not a pharmacist! I'm an evil scientist! Just because I'm in a lab coat- are you hungry?" He suddenly asked. "You've been in there for a while. Hang on a moment. Let me get you some snacks."

The scientist left for a few minutes before coming back with a plate of crackers and cheese and little slices of ham. "There you go. Are you cold?"

Piper put a cracker in her mouth and shook her head. She had plenty of blankets to keep herself warm.

"That's good. I don't want you to be uncomfortable or anything. Now then, my nemesis seems to be running a bit late so... you don't mind if I tell you my evil scheme do you?"

'You have me locked in a cage. I can't exactly do anything to stop you.' She thought nervously. "Not at all. Go ahead."

Doofenshmirtz smiled. "Oh, thank you." He walked over to cart with a cloth draped over it. "What's your name again?"


"Now, Piper. Voila!" He pulled the cloth off to reveal a tiny version of the city. "A precise 1/100th scale replica of the Tri-State Area!"

Piper was actually impress at how accurate it was. "Wow. It's so detailed!"

The scientist chuckled. "You'd be surprised how much free time I have."

Suddenly, he heard movement and quickly pulled out a remote and pressed a button. One of the claws in the ceiling dropped a bunch of bricks which fell and formed a perfectly shaped box on the ground.

Doofenshmirtz walked up to the brick cube that had a hole just to see through. "Well, if it isn't Perry the Platypus. You're late you know. I was about to explain my evil scheme without you!"

"Perry?" Piper questioned when she heard the name and moved closer towards the bars of her cage to see the teal colored platypus in a cute fedora, looking just as shocked and worried to see her.

"Oh, you two know each other? Well, that just makes things easier." Doofenshmirtz walked back over to his model of the city. "Now, as I was about to explain, with all the bricks that I've collected, I'll construct the Great wall of the Tri-State Area!" He pressed another button on his remote and a wall rose around the little city. "Thereby cutting off the citizens from the rest of the world. And how do people get in and out of the city you ask?" He held up a tiny model toll booth and placed it on one of the rodes that rilun through a hole in the wall. "With this official Doofenshmirtz approval toll booth! I-I haven't really worked out a price point yet. But it won't be cheap, I can tell you that."

"Is this what you do everyday?" Piper questioned the platypus. "You fight a scientist?" Perry just shrugged, unable to explain himself.

"An evil scientist." Doofenshmirtz corrected.

Piper just sighed and leaned against the bars as the man went back to loading up trucks with bricks. "Hey, Perry?"

The platypus looked at her.

"You'll, um... you'll help me, right?" She nervously asked. "He wasn't mean to me or anything but... I-I wanna go home."

Perry's eyes narrowed. Internally swearing to get her out of this and back to his boys. With how often the albino had been coming over, she was basically a part of the family.

And Perry was very protective of his family.

He looked at the walls of his box and pushed one of the bricks out, cause the whole thing to collapse.

Doofenshmirtz looked shocked when the platypus ran towards him. "Perry the Platypus, how did you escape." He paused to think about it. "I probably should have used cement. Ah, no matter. You'll never catch me!"

The scientist ran up to the roof with the agent hot on his heels. Jumping across the roofs of nearby buildings.

"You can't stop me, Perry the Platypus!" Doofenshmirtz laughed out as he ran. "You couldn't stop me with a billion Perry the Platypuses! Because I am unstoppab- ah!" He yelled in surprise as he fell through a window and into a cart full of Perry the Platypus toys.

He scream in fear and flawed, trying to get them off, which crossed him to fall out of the cart and onto a conveyor belt. The conveyor belt dropped into onto a slide which dropped into into a cardboard box to be shipped with the rest of the toys.

Perry used a rope to drop into the toy factory but froze when he heard his boys walk over.

"So, Ferb, I think the sales projections are-" Phineas paused when he saw the stock-still platypus. "Hey, people, I thought we agreed we weren't going to do this." He called out as he picked up the platypus and threw him into the trash with all the other failed toy ideas. "How many times do I have to say it? He's a platypus. They don't do anything."

Once the boy left through a set of double doors, Perry jumped out of the dumpster and ran towards the stacked boxes of toys.

"Curse you Perry the Platypus!" Doofenshmirtz's muffled voice could be heard but Perry couldn't find him so he shrugged and left.


Piper shivered and bundled herself up in the blankets as it started to get colder in the warehouse. She couldn't help but worry and hope that Perry was okay.

He does this every day though, so he's probably fine.

She heard and familiar chattering and looked up to see Perry sprinting towards her cage.

She grinned. "Perry!"

He took off his fedora and pulled a lockpick from it and used it to get her cage door open. Piper crawled out and started the animal by grabbing him and giving him a hug.

"I'm glad you're okay." She muttered.

Perry just smiled and hugged her back.

Piper gently put him back down. "So, what happens now?"

His smile instantly faded. He took off his fedora again and pulled out a pamphlet and handed it to her.

Piper opened it and read it. "So, if your host family finds out about your secret, then everyone who's seen you has to have their memory erased." She summarize and he nodded. Piper just smiled. "But, Perry, I'm not part of your host family."

Perry let out a disapproving chatter and reached out to hold her hand. 'You are to me.' He tried to tell her.

Piper seem to have gotten the hint because she hugged him again. "Thank you. I love you too." She muttered. "But, what I meant was, that I'm not technically a part of your host family. I know it's a bit of a stretch, but I don't want the boys to lose you. They love you. So why don't we just keep this between us? I could even help cover for you if you ever need it."

Perry took the pamphlet when she handed it back and looked at it thoughtfully before smirking and putting it away. He then took her hand and started to lead her away so he could get her home.

"You know, we should learn sign language so we could talk to each other." Piper told him.

Perry gave her an excited nod.

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