60. Board Games

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Stefan and Damon had let Violet rest while they made her a few snacks to eat because she seemed exhausted and not only because they had tired her out but also because she practically exerted a lot of energy into magically making the house.

And whether she wanted to admit it or not, they could see that she was tired. But it was too early in the day to start making dinner for her so they just settled on a snack.

"How long do you think she'll nap for?" Damon asked his brother since he had more expertise on how long she rested after their special activities.

"Well she usually sleeps for 30 minutes to 1 hour and so far it's been around 20 minutes," Stefan explained as he checked out the fully stocked fridge to see exactly what was in it.

"I just can't believe that she was feeling the same way as us. It somehow seems a little too good to be true. How did we get so lucky? How did I?" Damon wondered out loud with a big smile on his face.

"I feel like that sometimes too. Like being with Violet is just too good to be true but it is so amazing. It's like every since I first saw her, I felt this thing drawing me to her and I couldn't ignore it if I tried. Not that I would want to, especially after meeting her and seeing just how great she was." Stefan explained setting a few things down on the island.

"I know exactly what you mean. I felt like something was drawing me towards her but I tried ignoring it for the sake of your relationship with Violet and the sake of our relationship together but I didn't hide my feelings too well for you to see right through me." Damon teased knowing that the only reason his brother saw right through him was because of how close they were to each other.

But that is something that just happens when you've known each other for so long. Not to mention the fact that they were so close to each other when they were growing up because Damon was always protecting Stefan from their abusive father.

"What kind of snack do you think she'd like?" Stefan said as he saw that Damon was looking through the pantry.

"There were cucumbers and carrots in the fridge, right?" Damon asked from inside the pantry.

"Yeah," Stefan said grabbing them.

"How about I make her some hummus? Then we can make her a spread with some pita chips, cucumbers, and carrots." Damon said as he got the food processor out of the cabinet.

"Yes, good idea. She loves hummus, make it a little spicy. Here I'll roast some red peppers to put in there." Stefan said going back to the fridge.

~Upstairs with Violet~

When Violet had woken up she was alone. She was in Damon's shirt and some underwear. Looking at the time she could see that she had been asleep for about an hour after her bath with Damon.

She didn't bother changing and slipped on some fluffy slippers that Damon had put on her side of the bed and started making her way downstairs where she assumed they were.

"What smells so good?" she asked as she leaned on the door of the kitchen door frame with a smile as she observed the two brothers who seemed to be working in harmony around the kitchen.

"Morning blue," Damon said coming up to her and giving her a very passionate kiss.

Then in a quick little spin, he spun her out of her arms and straight into his brother's arms where he picked her up and sat her on the island to give her another passionate kiss whilst he stood between her legs.

"That was a lovely way to be greeted when I woke up," she said breathlessly as she leaned her forehead on his with a huge smile on her face, looking very content with how things turned out.

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