23. In-n-Out

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"Here babe you can drive, but be careful that's my baby," she said seriously as she tossed Stefan the keys.

"You know I'm starting to think you love that car more than me," he said jokingly, but he knew it was true.

"What that's crazy. You think I love Moony more than you. Haha, you're right. Sorry babe but look at him he's so handsome." she said stroking her car with a smile on her face.

"Moony?" Stefan asked amused.

"Yup, I named him after the 'blue moon'" she said as Damon and Enzo got in the back and Violet was in the front.

"So tell me, Angel, why would you go out of your way to save me?" Enzo asked again once they started driving.

"Because of my father," she said

"Your father?" he asked confused.

"Yup my father was a doctor there but he never operated on you. He left me some letters and documents on how I could save you. His name was Grayson Gilbert." she told him

"Grayson? That's your father? He was a good man he would always slip me some extra blood when he came in. How is he?" Enzo asked.

"He died, just last May," she said sadly making Stefan grasp her hand in comfort. She smiled gratefully at her sweet boyfriend.

"I'm sorry for your loss. I didn't mean to bring up such bad memories." he apologized.

"No, it's fine. You didn't know and besides, he would be proud right now. We got you out of that hell hole and I set it on fire." she said happily.

"You know he did always tell me that one day I would be saved and make it out and now I know he was talking about you," he said drinking a blood bag she handed him.

"So where are we going?" Enzo asked.

"Well right now we are going to head to In-n-out for some food then after that, we are heading back home to Mystic Falls," she said.

"What's In-n-out?" he asked with a confused face.

"It's like a restaurant, and it sells burgers and fries," Stefan explained

"It's sooo good. It's one of my favorite places to eat." Violet told him with a smile.

"Well if it's what the angel wants, then I shall agree," he said smiling at Violet.

When they got to in-n-out Enzo and Damon grabbed a table while Stefan and Violet went to-go order. Violet ordered 4 double-doubles, 4 fries, and 4 milkshakes.

"Are you going to ignore me forever?" Damon asked desperate for Enzo to talk to him.

"Well, that's the plan mate," Enzo said not taking his eyes off Violet who was with Stefan ordering their food.

"I mean you did leave me to die. What do you expect me to do, forgive you" he continued. Damon could see there were a lot of emotions going through Enzo but the main one in his eyes was a look of betrayal and that made Damon lower his head in shame.

"Ok, so I ordered us all burgers with fries. Don't worry you'll love it and if you don't then that's fine because I used Damon's card to pay." She said to Enzo with a proud smile as she held up Damon's wallet.

"Pixie, what the fuck? When did you get my wallet?" He asked her with a shocked expression patting his pocket he had his wallet only to find it empty as Enzo and Stefan laughed at his expense.

"Shh, stop being so loud. There are families here." She said looking around at the people who were staring with an apologetic smile.

"Here you can have your wallet back." She said handing him the wallet back.

"Well, you certainly are something Angel. Beautiful and funny, you are one lucky bastard." Enzo said to Stefan.

"Don't I know it." He said smiling at his girlfriend and putting his arm around her chair and giving her a peck on the cheek making her smile.

A few minutes later their food was ready so Damon and Stefan got up to get it. When they came back you could see the excitement in Violet's eyes at the food.

"Oh my god, I love you." She said, grabbing her food.

"I don't know if you're talking to me or the burger." Stefan teased her.

"That's a good question. I'll let you figure that out on your own." She teased back.

"Do you like it?" She asked Enzo.

"It's delicious," he said, smiling at her.

"What is this drink?" He asked confused.

"You've never had a milkshake?" She asked with a disbelieving expression.

"You have to try it. It's amazing." She said encouraging him as she drank her own milkshake.

"Mmm, that is good." He said smiling.

Damon sat there quietly as he ate, he was trying to think of things he could do that would earn Enzo's forgiveness. But he couldn't think of anything, he would have to ask his brother and Violet's help on that subject later.

Stefan watched with a smile as Violet made Enzo try his food. He was so proud of her, she was such a strong woman and because of her they just rescued a stranger from being experimented on making him love her more. She was the most kind-hearted person he knew.

Violet saw Stefan staring at her and asked, "What? Do I have something on my face?" She wiped her face with a napkin but was confused when there was nothing.

"No, you don't have anything on your face. I'm just thinking how lucky I am to have you," he said with a loving smile causing her to blush a little.

"Can we get some fries and a milkshake to go please?" She asked her boyfriend with a pout when they finished eating.

"Do you want a burger too?" He asked.

"Hmmm, tempting but no its okay just the milkshake and fries." She said with a smile.

"Alright, I'll be right back. Why don't you guys head to the car already? Come on Damon come help me." He kissed her head and then went to order her food with Damon.

He saw how quiet Damon was so he decided to take him with him.

"You have him wrapped around your finger don't you?" Enzo asked amused with a teasing smile.

"No, he's just a loving boyfriend and I couldn't ask for a better one," She told him truthfully.

"Well you are lucky to have each other. The last time I had someone like that was a long time ago." He said sadly thinking of Maggie.

"What was her name?" Violet asked.

"Her name was Maggie James." He said reliving the memories he had with her. But he was knocked out of his memories when Violet froze in place almost falling and if it weren't for Enzo catching her she would've face-planted into the concrete.


The first thing she saw was a beautiful young woman walking by herself. She assumed this was Maggie so she followed her.

But Maggie was quickly attacked by a vampire. Unfortunately when the vampire turned around Violet saw it was Damon.

"Oh no," she gasped with a hand over her mouth.

~End of Vision~

A few seconds after she collapsed into Enzo she came back to her body.

"Are you alright, love?" He questioned with a concerned expression looking her over for any reason she fell.

"Yeah, don't worry it happens all the time." She said dismissively, thinking about the vision she just had.

"Baby are you okay?" Stefan asked as they walked out to see Enzo looking her over for any injuries.

"I'm fine, just a vision. Enzo and I will sit in the back, I'm feeling kind of tired. Thank you for my food." She said kissing his cheek and getting in the back seat with Enzo while Damon rode shotgun and Stefan drove.

Violet laid down in the backseat with her head on Enzo's lap. Stefan took off his jacket and laid it on her body like a blanket.

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