55. Old Homes

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~Salvatore Boarding House~

After they had spent their time dancing and fooling around Stefan and Damon made her some food because she was hungry.

"So since this boarding house was built after you guys were turned into vampires, where is the house that you grew up in?" Violet questioned curiously before she took another bite of her sandwich.

Stefan and Damon looked at each other before deciding that they did want to show her the place where they grew up.

"Finish up your food first, then we're gonna take a little field trip." Damon told her not answering her question.

She looked to Stefan to see if he would answer her question but by the shake of his head it seemed that she would have to wait until she could see what Damon meant.

5 minutes later they could all be found in Damon's car driving somewhere. Stefan sat shotgun and Violet sat in the back looking out the window.

"Where are we going?" she questioned turning to look at them.

"To get you answers." Damon said making eye contact with her in the rear view mirror.

It took about 20 minutes for them to drive to where they were headed and Violet was really confused because she didn't recognize anything near them.

"Woah" Violet said in a low tone as her eyes landed on a run down old mansion.

She could tell that in its glory days that it must've been a sight to see because even now with it looking old and run down it still looked breathtaking to her.

"It's beautiful." Violet said walking towards the house with Stefan and Damon following behind her.

"It's where we grew up as humans." Stefan explained as his eyes roamed the property and memories filled his head.

"You see the front of the house there?" Damon asked her as he came up beside her to point to the front entrance of the house.

"Yeah." Violet said, nodding with a smile.

"That's where I taught Stefan how to play football." he reminisced with a smile.

"We have so many memories here... both good and bad." Damon told her thinking of all the historic moments they've had here.

From Damon protecting Stefan from their father to meeting Katherine to Stefan killing their father and finally them leaving.

Their story started here, and they thought it would end there but Fate had other plans for them, and it seemed to be important because no matter what happens they knew that they would always follow Violet to the ends of the Earth.

"Can I- Can I go inside?" Violet asked, unsure of herself. She wanted to be respectful to their boundaries, but she also wanted to see the inside of the house. However, if they told her that it would make them feel uncomfortable then she would be alright with exploring the outside of the house.

"If you want." Stefan said with a nod of his head as he offered her his arm to take to lead her inside and Damon did the same on her other side.

With a bright smile she looped her arms through theirs and let them lead her towards the building. It seemed like lots of trees grew closer to the house especially because there was nobody living there, and the forest expanded into the open land.

The front door was practically almost falling off its hinges when Damon opened it. The air inside was full of dust but with a wave of her hand all the dust that was in the air and everywhere inside the house was sent out one of the broken windows making it easy for them to breath and somewhat cleaner for them to see the things that were left in the house.

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