10. Talk With Grams

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When Violet, Stefan, Bonnie, and Matt walked into their first period they could see that Tanner was in a bad mood. So they all took their seats and made it look like they were paying attention when he started teaching.

But Stefan couldn't help himself from stealing glances at Violet. And Violet couldn't help herself from stealing glances at Stefan. They were both thinking about their date they planned during the time of the comet.

"Originally discovered nearly five centuries ago, it hasn't been over Mystic Falls in more than 145 years. Now, the comet will be at its brightest right after dusk during tomorrow's celebration. Are we bothering you, Mr. Salvatore? Miss. Gilbert?" Tanner asked them when he saw they weren't paying attention.

Before they could answer him the bell rang.

"I brought it. As promised." Stefan told Violet with a smile on his face as he watched her get excited when he took the aged copy of Wuthering Heights from his bag. He loved that she shared some of the same interests as him.

"Yay! Thank you!" She told him as she hugged him smiling since it was one of her favorite books.

Stefan immediately hugged her back with a smile on his face, "I have plenty of books. By all means, keep this one." Stefan said to her with an encouraging smile on his face.

His statement caused Violet's eyes to widen in surprise, "What?! No, I shouldn't." She told him. "But I would like to read it again..." she muttered with a thoughtful expression on her face. "I promise I'll return it when I finish it," she said to Stefan when she made the decision.

"Alright," Stefan said to her with a look of amusement on his face as he watched her decide what she wanted to do with the book. He found it funny that she didn't want to keep it since he has a whole library of other antique books just like it. He decided that he'll have her over to his house more so that she can have a chance to read all of them.

"Hi!" Caroline said enthusiastically as she and Bonnie walked up to them.

"So are we still on for meeting up with Grams after school?" Bonnie asked Violet and Caroline.

"Yeah. We just have to pass by my house to pick up the cake I made for her." Violet said as they all started walking to their next period together.

"Okay, that's fine. Is it the pink champagne cake you made her last year?" Bonnie asked her.

"No, I actually saw this new recipe that I thought she would like so I made her that. It's called 'Chocoholics Choice' and you know how much Grams is a chocoholic." Violet said with a laugh, Bonnie and Caroline laughed with her because she was right, Grams always asked them to pick her up some sort of chocolate.

~Grams' House~

"Grams are you here?!" Bonnie yelled as they walked through the front door.

"I'm in the living room!" Grams yelled back.

"Oh Violet baby, look how beautiful you look today." Grams said as she got up to hug Violet.

Bonnie rolled her eyes since this happens every time Violet comes over. Probably because Violet always brings Grams food.

"Hi Grams, how have you been?" Violet asked her as Grams went to hug Caroline too.

"Oh, I've been doing alright. How 'bout you sweetie how have you been?" Grams asked her as she finally hugged Bonnie last.

"She met someone," Caroline said before Violet could avoid telling Grams.

"Is that so? Well, what's he like?" Grams asked her as they all sat down.

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