36. Ben

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"Hey, remember when you said to look out for those new vamps?" Bonnie asked Violet when they went to school the next day.

"Did you see one of them?" Violet asked concerned.

"Yeah, apparently Ben works at The Grill now. He tried hitting on me last night and even gave me his number. What an idiot now we can lure him out and find out what he wants." Bonnie said smiling.

"After school today?" Bonnie asked her.

"It's a date." Violet agreed to laugh.

"So who are you taking to the dance on Friday?" Violet asked her.

"Well, Matt and Tyler agreed to be mine and Caroline's dates. Jeremy said something about wanting you to meet someone." Bonnie told her.


After school, Bonnie and Violet went out to The Grill where Ben was working and they had made a plan that Bonnie would tell him she needed help with her car to lure him outside for Violet to interrogate and kill him.

"So what's wrong with your car?" Ben asked as they walked through the door.

"Oh there's nothing wrong with my car," Bonnie said smiling amused at his stupidity.

"What? But you said-" he said confused.

"Bonnie! Over here!" Violet said from where she was leaning on the wall.

"Hey Violet, how've you been?" Ben asked coming up to her.

"Oh, I've been great better than you'll be," Violet said smiling.

"What?" he asked but he was interrupted.

"Ad Sonum" Bonnie said casting the spell to knock him out.

"Come on get in the car we'll take him to Stefan's house they have a cellar there that can hold him," Violet said dragging Ben to her car and putting him in the trunk.

~Salvatore Boarding House~

"Honey I'm home!" Violet jokingly yelled as she walked into the house.

"Who's that?" Stefan asked looking at the body she was dragging. He knew what Ben looked like because Violet had shown him but they couldn't see his face.

"And why is he unconscious" Damon asked.

"This is Ben. One of the vamps. Can we put him in your cellar to interrogate him pleeeeeeease?" she asked dragging out te 'e'.

"Of course, you can Pixie. Our cellar is always open for you to torture people in." Damon told her making her smile.

"Come on we'll carry him down," Stefan said as he and Damon took Ben down to the Cellar.


After Violet had finished interrogating Ben she found out that he was turned by Anna and how he's killed a few girls since he's turned and how he planned on doing the same to Bonne. Right after Violet heard that she set him on fire and let him burn until he was just a pile of ashes.

"I want some cake. Wanna make some with me?" Violet asked her boyfriend as she, Damon, and Stefan walked back upstairs.

"Sure," Stefan said smiling at her.

"Make sure to save me some. I'll be back later." Damon said grabbing his keys and heading out.

"Bonnie we're making a cake!" Violet said excitedly.

"What flavor?" Bonnie asked also getting excited.

"Red velvet?" Violet asked looking at Stefan and smiled when he nodded in agreement.

The Cake

Happy late birthday @UzumakiCrystal

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Happy late birthday @UzumakiCrystal

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